
Taiwan schedules military exercises on its ’Red Beaches’

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/03/16 19:55
Last update time:2023/03/16 19:55
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 Taiwan schedules military exercises on its ’Red Beaches’

TAOYUAN (TVBS NEWS)  — Taiwan's military is preparing for a possible amphibious invasion from China by planning to simulate the scenario at one of the 14 "Red Beaches" identified as potential landing sites.

The "Red Beaches" are flat, sandy, and have a slight height difference, with a broad depth allowing large troops to land and advance inland. 


One of these beaches is just 15 minutes away from Taoyuan International Airport and 30 minutes from the Port of Taipei, which could make it an ideal location for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) to control both air and land simultaneously.

Taiwan's Amphibious Reconnaissance and Patrol Unit combat divers prepare defense strategies each year by marking the underwater terrain as the shores change drastically. 

However, Taiwan's broken and narrow terrain poses a challenge for military operations.

Military experts such as Strategy Style Editor-in-Chief Tang Hung warn that any beach on the island is equally dangerous, given China's new equipment and tactics development.

Associate Research Fellow with the National Policy Foundation, Chieh Chung, believes that the invasion time could be significantly reduced with the use of new amphibious fighting vehicles and high-speed hovercraft.

As tension continues to rise across the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan remains vigilant and prepared for a potential Chinese invasion. However, the Han Kuang Exercise rehearsal, scheduled for Thursday (March 16), was canceled due to adverse water conditions.

Taiwan Affairs

#Red Beach#amphibious invasion#China#Taiwan Strait#Chinese invasion


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