Clark: China aims to showcase leadership via France visit

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon Amy Hsin-Hsiang Chen 報導

2024/05/24 18:07

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Duncan Clark, co-chair and founding trustee of Asia Society France, on Tuesday (May 14), discussed France-China relations following Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu, host of TVBS Meeting Room show.

President Xi visited three European countries, including France, Serbia, and Hungary, to underscore China's trade dominance. Clark viewed this trip as a strategic move to strengthen China's position in European trade relations.


Clark also voiced concerns about Europe's pace in technological investments, particularly in electric vehicles (EV), where China holds considerable influence. He suggested Europe should improve its supply chain management and invest more in raw materials to compete effectively.

Discussing the perception of China in Paris, Clark observed a shift in attitudes post-COVID. He described the Chinese community in Paris as vibrant and creative, including students, business owners, and filmmakers.

Clark further emphasized that although France's stance is between the U.S. and China, the country still views itself as a significant power, as evidenced by its strong support for Ukraine in the conflict.


更新時間:2024/05/24 18:18
