Taiwan considers 4-day workweeks amid challenges

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2024/02/29 16:47

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's exploration of four-day workweeks is gaining momentum as a local information security company pioneers this flexible working arrangement.

Within less than a year, this groundbreaking move has resulted in increased efficiency and reduced employee turnover, setting a precedent for others to follow.


Embracing Change

The adoption of a four-day workweek by the unnamed cybersecurity firm has not only improved the work-life balance of its employees but also enhanced their focus and productivity during work hours.

"Thanks to an extra day of rest, our work-life balance is much better adjusted. In addition, we are more focused during work hours and less likely to get distracted," shared Mr. Hsu, an employee at the company.

Allen Own, the CEO of the cybersecurity company, believes that the four-day workweek model pushes employees to be more efficient. "Four-day workweeks push employees to be more efficient, and we also hope they can obtain a better work-life balance," Own said, highlighting the benefits of the revised schedule.

Global Trend and Local Challenges

This trend is not isolated to Taiwan. Countries like Iceland and Germany have experimented with reduced work hours, reporting favorable outcomes.

However, Taiwan faces unique challenges in adopting such models across various industries, particularly due to labor shortages in the food and beverage and hospitality sectors.

"If the company's manpower is sufficient and its internal scheduling mechanism is well-organized, it could be implemented," stated Lin Shu-yu, a senior manager at a local job bank, acknowledging the hurdles industries face in adjusting their workforce to accommodate shorter workweeks.

Despite these challenges, the potential impact on coordination with local and international businesses remains a concern.

Some Taiwanese companies have responded by offering more paid leave to enhance employees' work-life balance and workplace efficiency, aiming to find a middle ground that benefits both employers and employees.



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更新時間:2024/02/29 16:47
