Ex-Pentagon official urges Taiwan to bolster defense

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/10/04 20:04

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former Pentagon official Elbridge Colby urged Taiwan to bolster its defense capabilities on Tuesday (Oct. 3), emphasizing that "the Americans are more likely to assist those who help themselves" in an exclusive interview with TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu.

A staunch advocate for directing U.S. resources toward Taiwan's defense against China, Colby warned about China's preparations for potential conflict, stressing, "They are gearing up for war, whether they choose to engage in it or not." 


The former Pentagon official highlighted the recent People's Liberation Army incursions with 103 aircraft across the median line as a cause for concern.

Having served in the Pentagon from 2017 to 2018, Colby stressed the importance of Taiwanese citizens being aware of the possibility of conflict with China, asserting that such a scenario would have "grave consequences for the United States."

Colby emphasized the significant ramifications of allowing China to seize control of Taiwan, stating, "Such an outcome would result in far-reaching negative consequences."

With the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leading in the polls for the 2024 presidential election, Colby expressed his ongoing efforts to understand "why it is in the concrete self-interest of Americans to aid Taiwan in its self-defense."

However, he cautioned against Taiwan's reliance on any single country due to its comparatively weaker defense capabilities compared to nations like Israel, Ukraine, Finland, or Vietnam, which could potentially escalate the burden on U.S. defense resources.

Despite the U.S. identifying China as its primary challenge, Colby reiterated that the U.S. remains committed to its role as a dependable partner "to the extent that it aligns with our interests and commitments, even if not at 100%."





更新時間:2023/10/04 20:04