Taipei gears up for Double Tenth Day celebrations

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/09/26 19:26

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan celebrates its 112th National Day on Oct. 10, organizers geared up with a ceremony and fighter jet performance rehearsals at the Presidential Office on Tuesday (Sept. 26).

For 11 years in a row, 12 students from the National Taipei University (NTPU) were selected to serve as "goodwill ambassadors" on Taiwan National Day. One of the students shared that the group completed 90 hours of training from posture to physical strength.


Expressing excitement to participate in celebrating the country's birthday, another NTPU student said she felt honored to be a receptionist and serve guests from around the world at this year's ceremony. 

Several Thunder Tigers, Bravel Eagles, and Mirage fighter jets flew over the Presidential Office building for the National Day rehearsal early Tuesday morning. The National Day Celebration Preparation Committee stated that such rehearsal will also unfold from 5:50 a.m. to 7:15 a.m. on Sept. 28 and Oct. 4.

The committee invited the public to join a major rehearsal event that will take place on Oct. 7 at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Presidential Office and pointed out that traffic control had started from 11 p.m. on Monday near the Office. Pedestrians and commuters are advised to plan ahead due to possible detours.




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更新時間:2023/09/26 19:26