NBA star Michael Porter Jr. receives warm welcome in Taiwan

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/09/06 17:09

TAOYUAN (TVBS News) — Denver Nuggets forward Michael Porter Jr. arrived in Taiwan at 5 a.m. on Wednesday (Sept. 6) to enthusiastic greetings from Taiwanese fans.


Over a hundred fans eagerly awaited him at the arrivals hall, engaging with the NBA star and obtaining his autograph.


During his first visit to the nation, which will last four days and three nights, Porter Jr. intends to share his expertise with young athletes, catch up with friends, and explore Taiwan's culinary delights and beaches.


His activities will mainly center around charity work, though most notably, the NBA star will throw the first pitch at Taichung's CTBC Brothers' home field on Sept. 9.


Porter Jr., aged 25 and 208 centimeters tall, expressed his eagerness to immerse himself in Taiwan's baseball culture and visit popular tourist spots such as the Taipei 101, the National Palace Museum, and the night markets.


Despite undergoing three back surgeries and periods of under-performance, Porter Jr. proved to be instrumental in securing the Nuggets' first-ever NBA championship title.


After signing with the Denver Nuggets in 2018, Porter Jr.'s latest 3-year contract signed in 2021 was estimated to be worth US$180 million.

Porter Jr. is currently set for a salary of US$ 33.39 million next season.



👉12位女星減重菜單 小嫻吃澱粉沒復胖


更新時間:2023/09/06 21:22
