Cycling event during Dragon Boat Festival fuels debates

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2023/06/21 19:39

NANTOU (TVBS News) — The Taoyuan City Triathlon Association's decision to host a cycling event on the renowned Hehuanshan mountain during the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival long weekend has ignited a wave of criticism from netizens. Concerns about potential traffic congestion and cyclist safety have dominated the online discourse surrounding the event.

The Hehuanshan cycling challenge draws in many cyclists who seek to push their limits on the winding mountain roads from Puli, Nantou, to Wuling, Hehuanshan. However, there has been significant criticism regarding scheduling this year's event, as it coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival holiday.


The main point of contention revolves around the expected influx of cyclists heading uphill during the long weekend. Many individuals have expressed worries about potential traffic congestion on the narrow race routes and raised concerns about ensuring the safety of the participants. These concerns have been shared widely online, prompting a backlash against the event's organizers.

In response to the criticism, Chien Ming-piao, an officer from the Nantou County Education Bureau, explained that their initial intention was to avoid scheduling events during the azalea season on Hehuanshan. They also assured the public that future events would not unfold during long weekends.

Pien Shih-wei, chairman of the Taoyuan City Triathlon Association, acknowledged that the Directorate General of Highways discourages cycling activities on Hehuanshan during the azalea season or summer vacation. However, due to limited available weekends, the association had no alternative but to schedule the event for June 24, as another organization had already reserved the 18th.

To address the concerns raised by the public, the organizers have emphasized implementing a strict traffic control plan. They plan to establish two control points at Wushe and Cuifeng, which will be closed once the designated time limit expires, effectively preventing participants from proceeding further.

With an estimated crowd of 600 individuals, the event's riding time will be restricted to 7 hours. The organizers anticipate the possibility of concluding by 1 p.m., allowing for the necessary venue cleanup and restoration efforts.

The Track Maintenance Division has issued a stern warning, emphasizing that failure to comply with the event regulations will result in the forfeiture of the deposit and inclusion in a blacklist, effectively barring future event applications.





更新時間:2023/06/21 19:39