Taxis required to obtain passenger liability insurance

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/05/22 19:12

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS) — To enhance passenger safety, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has mandated that all taxi drivers in Taiwan must secure a minimum of NT$1.5 million in passenger liability insurance by June 15. 

Taxi drivers who fail to comply with the legislative amendment passed last year may face fines ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$30,000, according to the MOTC. 


Approximately half of all taxis in Taiwan currently lack insurance coverage. And when accidents happen, passengers can face challenges in seeking help, while drivers might also carry a heavy burden to settle claims.

Among the approximately 91,000 taxis operating in Taiwan, roughly half belong to a fleet. In these cases, the fleet is responsible for paying the premium for passenger liability insurance, relieving individual taxi drivers of the burden of obtaining separate coverage.

Despite the new regulation, there are concerns regarding the passengers' ability to confirm whether the taxi they are about to board possesses passenger liability insurance. 

According to Li Wei-erh, spokesperson for the Taipei Taxi Drivers Union, the only foolproof method of ensuring insurance coverage is to opt for fleet-distributed taxis. This limitation in verification mechanisms poses challenges for passengers seeking reliable insurance coverage.

Li also expressed skepticism regarding completing insurance coverage for all taxis before the June 15 deadline. While efforts are underway to increase compliance, it is still being determined whether all taxi drivers will meet the insurance requirements within the specified timeframe.

Considering the potential uncertainties surrounding insurance coverage, the Taipei Taxi Drivers Union advises passengers to prioritize pre-arranged taxi services through phone or app bookings rather than hailing taxis on the streets. 

By opting for fleet-distributed taxis, passengers can have greater assurance of insurance coverage, thereby safeguarding their rights and interests during their taxi journeys.





更新時間:2023/05/22 19:12