Taipei boasts highest unemployment rate among young adults

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/04/24 06:00

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Recent reports indicate that Taipei City has the highest unemployment rate among young adults aged 25 to 29 among the six special municipalities in Taiwan. 

According to a survey by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics, 8.1% of individuals in this age group were unemployed in the latter half of 2022. This marks the fifth time Taipei has ranked first in this category in the past three years.


Officials from the Taipei City Labor Department attribute the problem to factors such as low salaries, job instability caused by the pandemic, and a need for better education. 

However, they also believe that young people's greater work autonomy, better family economic status, and more opportunities may lead to a need for more urgency in finding a job.

The highly competitive job market may prompt many young adults to continue their studies or acquire certifications to improve their job prospects.

Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an has directed the Labor Department to identify the underlying causes of the problem and leverage resources from various departments to address it. 

Collaboration between schools and industries is also necessary to develop effective strategies for promoting job creation and growth, including investment in high-demand sectors.

Taipei City can create more job opportunities and a brighter future for its young adults by working together and implementing practical solutions.



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更新時間:2023/04/21 19:51