Single-use paper cups likely to contribute to landfill waste

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/04/11 16:36

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan aims to reduce plastic usage and promote environmental awareness, many drink shops are now turning to paper cups in response to the government's ban on single-use plastic cups. 

While Taipei City banned plastic cups in December 2022, New Taipei will follow suit on May 1. However, using paper cups has its own environmental concerns. 


The plastic coating inside the cups makes them difficult to recycle, as the layer must be separated from the paper to be processed appropriately.

Unfortunately, only one recycling plant in Taiwan currently focuses on separating the paper fiber from the plastic coating in cups and lunch boxes. This could pose a significant challenge to recycling efforts as the demand for paper cups rises.

Some businesses are exploring alternative solutions, such as reusable cups or biodegradable materials. However, these options are not without their own challenges, as reusable cups may not be practical for some customers, and biodegradable materials may take significant time to break down.

Despite the challenges, the Taiwanese government remains committed to reducing plastic usage and promoting sustainability. Further efforts to improve recycling infrastructure and explore alternative solutions to single-use cups are expected in the coming years.



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更新時間:2023/04/11 16:45