Taiwan’s top weapons maker unveils drone development project

記者 Dimtiri Bruyas 報導

2023/03/15 19:02

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) unveiled part of its drone development project that includes the development of anti-radiation drones and loitering munitions Tuesday.

Taiwan's drone development dates from decades ago, but its products have yet to be accepted by the local armed forces.


In a theater, anti-radiation drones trick enemy radar systems, turning them on and eventually destroying them.

The loitering munitions can be carried in a backpack and swiftly deployed with a launching device similar to a mortar.

"We can see that in the other countries producing and using drones, such as Turkey or Israel, and even Poland, their drones have taken part in regional conflicts and all kinds of wars," said Chi Li-ping, director of CSIS's Aeronautical Systems Research Division.

"In some cases, they would even export. In the case of our country, one of our options is to use them boldly," he added.

The Albatross II is a multi-role Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) that gathers intelligence, monitors enemy activities, and performs reconnaissance assignments. It is characterized by short take-off and silent flight.





更新時間:2023/03/15 19:02