Taiwan’s energetic cheerleaders garner international praise

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/03/15 15:36

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Chinese Taipei's baseball cheerleading squad has won over sports fans worldwide with their friendly demeanor, perky smiles, and perfectly synchronized moves. 

During the 2023 World Baseball Classic (WBC), their energetic performances made headlines, leading people from around the globe to cheer for "Team Taiwan."


Emily, a member of the All-Star cheerleading team for Team Taiwan, reflected, "the stadium was packed with over 20,000 fans, and their resounding cheers truly touched us."

"During our game against the Netherlands, we were moved even further when fans from the second floor of the stands proudly displayed our national flag."

Taiwan's baseball boasts a unique cheerleading culture where each player has a personalized song or chant that fans can sing on the field. 

As the lyrics or words appear on the big screen, the crowd follows the cheer squad, rooting for the player as they step up to bat. 

Sports anchor Chen Chieh-cheng added that baseball teams choose each player's melody and lyrics based on their style, appearance, and techniques.

Commentators pointed out many international teams have been amazed by the enthusiasm of the cheer squad and the crowd in Taiwan. 

Thanks to the dedication of professional players and cheerleaders, Taiwan has once again showcased its strength and unity on the global stage.





更新時間:2023/03/15 15:36