Taiwan firefighters win praise for rescuing child

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/03/07 10:36

PINGTUNG (TVBS News) — A family thanked Taiwanese firefighters on Thursday (March 2) for saving their 6-year-old daughter from getting caught on an escalator in a shopping mall in southern Taiwan two months ago. 

The girl's left foot and rubber shoe were stuck on the escalator, but firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and used multiple tools to open the steps and free her. 


The girl was taken to the hospital and received four stitches on her left foot. 

This type of accident has occurred multiple times, so people who wear rubber clogs or slippers when taking the escalator are advised to pay close attention to the edge of the steps to avoid injury.

更新時間:2023/03/07 10:36