Chiang Wan-an faces lawsuit over Chiang Kai‐shek’s remains

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/03/06 18:51

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A pro-Taiwan group filed a lawsuit against Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an on Wednesday (March 1), urging him to bury the remains of his great grandfather, former President Chiang Kai-shek. 

This move came after a protest-filled Taipei 228 Incident memorial and as the mayor faced intense criticism from victims' families and opponents.


The organization claims that Chiang's unburied coffin violates Taiwanese laws. After he died in 1975, Chiang was not buried but embalmed in a coffin and placed in the Cihu Mausoleum. 

The group also argues that the annual maintenance of the coffin costs tens of millions of New Taiwan dollars. Additionally, they demand the removal of Chiang Kai-shek's statues across Taiwan for transitional justice.

Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City Councilor Wang Shih-cheng, a victim's family member, criticized Chiang Wan-an's apology for the 228 Incident at the memorial for its lack of sincerity. 

Wang emphasized that "the perpetrator or the posterity of the perpetrator should admit the mistake and apologize," adding that it should not be difficult. He asked not to hurt the victims and their families further.

更新時間:2023/03/06 18:51