Taiwan’s residents reluctant to toss face masks

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/02/21 17:29

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan eased its indoor face mask mandate on Monday (Feb. 20) after more than two years of asking citizens to "mask up."

However, the reception to lifting face mask regulations was lukewarm as some cite wearing face masks as a "habit" while others say they would only take off face masks when eating for maximum protection.


Still, many foreign tourists and visitors were more enthusiastic about the eased regulations. Some admitted they didn't know mask mandates were still a thing to consider when traveling in Taiwan.

Though most of the population still seems reluctant to remove their masks, many may get used to it soon and embrace the freedom of "no face masks" in the future.





更新時間:2023/02/21 17:29