Water-filled rear tail light frustrate Taiwan Tesla driver

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2022/12/29 19:10

TAIPEI (TVBS News) —  A Taiwan Tesla driver has shared his frustration with his water-filled right rear tail light on social media.

The owner reportedly said he has already sent his car for repair six times over the past two years to solve this problem. But every two to three weeks, water will allegedly fill up the tail light again, putting the driver and others at risk. 


The owner asked: "What if one day, it broke down suddenly and I couldn't turn on the turn signal? And then I get into a car accident. Will the blame be on Tesla?"

Experts pointed out that the problem should resolve once the rear light is changed. This owner's situation is uncommon. 

One repair of the tail light costs NT$7,000 without warranty so many people come up with other ways to fix it themselves such as using hairdryers, dish dryers, or simply letting it sun dry. 


更新時間:2022/12/29 19:10