Taipei’s new mayor wraps up first day with late-night visit

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/12/28 11:33

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former Kuomintang legislator Chiang Wan-an started his first day in office as Taipei's new mayor on Monday (Dec. 26). After an early meeting, Chiang concluded with a late-night visit to city garbage collectors in the evening.

Despite the later hour, Chiang was all smiles as he kept his promise of visiting the city’s cleaning crew if elected city mayor. In providing encouragement, Chiang made sure they felt seen and pledged to provide more assistance in the future.


The new mayor also boosted the morale of his staff earlier in the day, as he urged them to "just go ahead and do it," regarding work-related issues that are beneficial to the city.

His eventful first day was made even more interesting after he was gifted a portrait of his great-grandfather Chiang Kai-shek by Democratic Progressive Party legislator Wang Shih-chien at the Taipei City Council.

Wang claimed that the gift was to remind Chiang he has big shoes to fill and to remind him there is little room for mistakes. Though Chiang gracefully accepted the well-meaning gift, he later admitted that he was taken a bit by surprise.

Chiang added that he will continue with 7:30 a.m. meetings, just like his predecessor, until things are more on track. He vowed to work towards all the goals put forth in his campaign and to serve all 2.47 million Taipei citizens in his term.



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更新時間:2022/12/28 11:33