Taiwan to extend electric scooter purchase subsidy till 2026

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/12/13 17:01

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua announced on Monday (Dec. 12) the extension of the NT$7,000 subsidy for electric scooter purchases until 2026. 

"In this aspect, many local governments have their own complementary subsidy plans," Wang said.


She added that in announcing the continuation of the subsidies sooner, the central government is hoping that their local counterparts could prepare earlier as well.

The central government's electric scooter subsidy plans are set to continue for 4 more years until 2026 in a bid to meet the country's 2050 net-zero goals. 
As both replacing old scooters with electric ones and purchasing brand new scooters are eligible, many scooter-riders are also eagerly waiting for local governments to sweeten the pot with subsequent subsidies.  

With New Year's approaching, e-scooter businesses have all rolled out additional sale promotions to attract more customers, ranging from discounts to free helmets with selective purchases. 
This, coupled with the governments' subsidies, will likely see more opting for these environmentally-friendlier choices.

更新時間:2022/12/13 17:01