Taiwan mulls decision to lift yearslong face mask mandates

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/11/09 16:56

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on Tuesday (Nov. 8) a potential meeting scheduled later this month to determine whether the face mask mandates can be lifted.

However, many have expressed concern that it may be too soon to lift the face mask mandate for indoor activities or public transportation systems. Looking at neighboring countries, Japan already lifted its outdoor mask mandate in May, on the condition that social distancing can be practiced.


Meanwhile, South Korea has lifted all face mask restrictions, and Singapore also relaxed its indoor face mask mandate in August this year. Still, with New Year's just around the corner, health authorities are worried that even relaxing face mask regulations for outdoor activities could be complicated.

Another concern for health experts is that as winter approaches, flu season may also see infectious diseases become rampant in local communities. Because of this, some believe the best time to lift the mask mandates would be after Chinese New Year.

After more than 2 years of wearing face masks everywhere, Taiwan is looking forward to the day when they can safely remove them.




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更新時間:2022/11/09 19:24
