Taiwanese people hesitant to travel abroad as airfares soar

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/09/26 20:00

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwanese authorities prepare to change quarantine regulations to "0+7" for arriving passengers, many are setting their sights for a vacation abroad. If you're are planning to head to Japan for a week-long holiday, however, you may need to wait a little more as experts expect airfares to surge again in October.

For now, plane ticket prices to Japan range between NT$10,000 and NT$18,000, though tickets during the peak travel season tickets could reach up to NT$30,000. In response to media inquiries, travel expert and internet personality Brian (布萊N) recommends travelers with a set itinerary to book their hotel rooms first and their flights later to save money.


In addition, he advises waiting for airline promotions or for flights frequency to increase before booking any tickets. For those itching to travel, experts also suggest to head to South Korea or Thailand first, as plane tickets for those two destinations are considerably lower.

However, for those with their sights set on Japan, it may be wiser to wait it out, they say.

更新時間:2022/09/26 17:34
