Taiwan sees soaring mooncake sales this year

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2022/09/23 14:17

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As boxes of pastries and mooncakes are packaged and transported, clerks at a famous mooncake store at Taipei Main Station rush to deliver products and take customer orders. Compared to last year’s bleak situation, many Taiwanese residents are more enthusiastic about buying gifts and celebrating this year’s festival.

“I’m buying this for my father,” one shopper shared as she lined up outside the store, while another added that they would buy more this year because they didn’t do so last year. To cope with the large orders, some pastry shops have also temporarily closed their physical stores to catch up with the sudden influx of orders.


The 40-year-old pastry shop also observed that some customers have ordered 20 boxes or more while pointing out that many businesses have raised their budget from NT$600 to NT$1,000 per box for more assorted tasty snacks.

The chairman of the United Bakeries Association of the Republic of China, Chou Tzu-liang, remarked: “People are starting to pay attention to the domestic market, especially because of the industry’s digital transformation.”

“Therefore, the whole market has been stimulated, and it’s a big help to the whole economy,” he added. With earnings increasing 3 to 4 times more than last year, Taiwanese businesses can breathe a sigh of relief following China’s ban on the islands’ products.

The surge in pastry orders during this Mid-Autumn Festival sees local businesses rush to prepare the ingredients and products needed to make it in time for the weekend celebrations.

更新時間:2022/09/23 15:23