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    l 結果共10,000筆

  • NBA/執教功力獲肯定!快艇5年7000萬美元續約泰隆魯

    NBA洛杉磯快艇本季雖止步於季後賽首輪,但球隊仍肯定總教練泰隆魯(Tyronn Lue)的執教功力,根據《ESPN》名記者沃納洛斯基(Adrian Wojnarowski)報導,快艇與泰隆魯已經達成續約協議,雙方將簽下一份5年7000萬美元的合約,未來泰隆魯將執教快艇直到2028-29賽季。
    2024/05/30 14:50
  • U.S. senators visit Taiwan amid legislative chaos

    Discover the significance of U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth’s visit to Taiwan amid legislative controversies and China’s military exercises. Learn how the U.S. shows support for Taiwan’s democracy.
    2024/05/30 14:15
  • Court finds Aaron Yan guilty in sexual content case

    Discover the details of Taiwanese entertainer Aaron Yan’s sentencing by the Shilin District Court for crimes involving a minor, including his probation terms and legal settlement.
    2024/05/30 14:12
  • Chen Chi-mai defends smart transportation tech

    Discover how Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai defends the use of mobile signal positioning for smart transportation, emphasizing privacy and compliance with data protection laws amid KMT concerns.
    2024/05/30 14:08
  • Ko Wen-je supports new laws to prevent power abuse in Taiwan

    Discover the latest amendments to Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan law, aiming to balance government powers and ensure democratic integrity, as discussed by TPP leader Ko Wen-je.
    2024/05/30 14:06
  • DPP criticizes KMT’s unconstitutional proposals

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s legislative tensions: DPP’s Ker Chien-ming criticizes KMT’s Fu Kun-chi for unconstitutional proposals, urging unity and procedural justice in the Legislative Yuan.
    2024/05/30 14:03
  • 郭璽罵退役上校「跳樑小丑、大草包」 判拘役50日確定

    2024/05/30 12:59
  • 怨黑幕遮富士山美景!中國遊客狂挖 一周就「13個洞」

    2024/05/30 12:08
  • 老母生病1年!佘詩曼「緊抱媽咪」甜曬照:我變得更堅強

    2024/05/30 12:01
  • 冰島火山爆發「岩漿噴50公尺高」 著名景點、鄰近小鎮急撤

    冰島西南部雷克雅內斯半島(Reykjanes peninsula)的火山近日再次爆發,除了是去年12月以來的第5次噴發,熔岩噴射的高度更高達50公尺,迫使著名的地熱溫泉「藍湖」(Blue Lagoon)和漁業小鎮格林達維克(Grindavik)的民眾緊急撤離。
    2024/05/30 11:49
  • LINE提醒帳號設定4大重點 不用再怕忘記密碼或丟手機

    2024/05/30 11:38
  • DPP criticizes KMT’s stance on presidential report delivery

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: Tensions escalate between the DPP and KMT over President Lai’s national policy report at the Legislative Yuan. Read about the legislative amendments and the upcoming session.
    2024/05/30 11:01
  • Taiwan must focus on actions, not rhetoric, in U.S. dealings

    Russell Hsiao, executive director of the Global Taiwan Institute, discusses Taiwan’s evolving role in global policy, the need for dedicated think tanks, and the U.S. policy landscape.
    2024/05/30 10:33
  • 愛晚上傳訊息?日調查「這時間傳LINE」最打擾 小心被討厭

    2024/05/30 09:16
  • 「最美老闆」譚以欣閃婚! 披絕美婚紗甜嫁大13歲豪門二代

    GPLUS手機千金「Olivia」譚以欣以「正妹老闆」身分上過《小姐不熙娣》,因此爆紅,曾是時尚名模的她,日前與大她13歲的企業家Eric登記結婚,2人僅交往6個月就認定彼此,5月26日穿上林莉與LinLi Boutique團隊量身打造的婚紗,於台北萬豪酒店低調舉行溫馨婚禮,而Eric的身分也曝光,原來就是學學文創的創辦人徐莉玲的兒子,婚禮上換穿3套絕美婚紗,各有不同寓意。
    2024/05/29 23:59
  • 教宗方濟各失言 閉門會議不雅詞貶抑同志

    2024/05/29 20:00
  • 毋湯!「爬5樓得借床躺」女訂外送 遇言語騷擾

    2024/05/29 19:57
  • NBA/太陽被爆想用22號籤選皇之子 找詹皇、杜蘭特組4巨頭

    NBA洛杉磯湖人王牌球星詹姆斯(LeBron James)的經紀人保羅(Rich Paul)預告,詹皇今夏將投入自由市場,雖然外界預期他大機率將續留洛城,但太陽和76人都被爆料,準備追求詹皇加盟,前者甚至想打造「4巨頭」超級球隊,並考慮選進「皇之子」布朗尼(Bronny James)。
    2024/05/29 17:58
  • Taiwan maintains ban on group tours to China

    Discover the latest on the ban on group tours to China for Taiwanese citizens, as the Travel Agents Association confirms no changes despite industry calls for easing restrictions.
    2024/05/29 17:53
  • 基隆音樂祭巨蟒出沒!多人合力高舉空中 觀眾尖叫

    基隆「愛嶼搖滾LOVE ROCK」音樂祭25、26日在國門廣場和海洋廣場登場,吸引數萬民眾進場共襄盛舉,不過在活動進行當中,竟然有民眾帶了1條大蟒蛇到現場,遭到民眾質疑巨蟒不但嚇人引來尖叫,也有虐蛇爭議。基隆市政府表示,當天有掌握到狀況,對方聲稱是寵物蛇,一下子就離開了,對活動並無影響。
    2024/05/29 17:46
  • Bluebird Movement condemns KMT and TPP reform bills

    Over 70,000 protest as KMT and TPP pass controversial reform bills. Kaohsiung Mayor and Bluebird Movement support the movement, urging for the protection of Taiwan’s democracy.
    2024/05/29 17:32
  • NSB: China’s recent drills challenge US commitment to Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s security as NSB Director-General Tsai Ming-yen addresses China’s military exercises in the Taiwan Strait, highlighting concerns and defense strategies.
    2024/05/29 17:04
  • KMT chairman criticizes President Lai’s leadership approach

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s political scene: KMT Chairman Eric Chu criticizes President Lai for prioritizing party over national interests, raising cross-strait tensions. Learn about the KMT’s push for democratic reforms and transparency in governance.
    2024/05/29 16:51
  • 15 hospitalized in Kinmen for food poisoning, now recovered

    Discover the details of a suspected food poisoning incident affecting 61 tourists in Kinmen after dining out, including the response from local health authorities and the ongoing investigation.
    2024/05/29 16:39
  • China criticizes Taiwan president’s inauguration speech

    Discover the latest on cross-strait tensions as China’s Taiwan Affairs Office criticizes Taiwan President Lai’s inaugural speech, calling it a "Taiwan independence manifesto" and warning of severe consequences.
    2024/05/29 16:31
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