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    wages 結果共60筆

  • Economic recovery influences salary trends, data shows

    Explore the latest findings on Taiwan’s wage trends: A Ministry of Labor meeting reveals a decade-high average salary increase of 5.4%, driven by economic recovery and talent shortages. Dive into industry-specific data and the implications for wage adjustments.
  • Survey reveals Taiwan office workers’ financial challenges

    A recent survey in Taiwan indicates a pressing issue with office workers finding their wages insufficient due to rising living and dining costs, highlighting the need for economic adjustments.
    2024/05/13 17:36
  • Thousands march in Taipei for Labour Day rights

    Discover the key issues raised during the Labour Day march in Taipei, where 4,000 rallied for better labor rights, criticizing low wages and long hours. Learn about their demands for the incoming government.
    2024/05/01 17:44
  • Taiwan youth grapples with high house prices and low wages

    Discover how Taiwan’s young population is navigating the challenging landscape of high house prices and stagnant wages, despite the country’s strong purchasing power, and the call for government action to address these issues.
    2024/03/06 08:00
  • Taiwan survey reveals 56% of employees with stagnant wages

    Discover the challenges faced by salaried workers in Taiwan through a survey by yes123, revealing that over half have experienced wage freezes for at least three years. Learn about employees’ strategies to increase income and negotiate for raises in a competitive job market.
    2024/02/20 11:48
  • Lunar New Year: From family time to time for extra income

    Discover the changing traditions of Lunar New Year in Taiwan where the focus shifts from family reunions to earning extra income. Statistics indicate a high inclination to work during the holidays, with part-time jobs offering increased wages and students eagerly participating to maximize their earnings.
    2024/02/10 08:00
  • Taipei boosts pay for conservation workers after 30 years

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces pay rise for Taipei Zoo conservation workers, with bonuses ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$5,000 based on animal risk levels. Chiang emphasizes the challenging conditions of the job and the need for intelligence and physical labor. The bonuses for high-risk duties have not been adjusted in over 30 years, potentially causing a brain drain. Chiang has been actively working to increase zookeeper wages and improve their conditions. He calls for attention to zookeeper welfare and animal protection issues and reveals plans for the Taipei Zoo’s 110th anniversary in 2024. This pay increase further showcases Taipei as a city that values its workers’ contributions to biodiversity.
    2024/01/30 15:09
  • Taiwan’s growing wealth gap raises concerns: experts

    Taiwan’s wealth gap widens as economic growth hits a 14-year low. Experts call for action to address income inequality and rising living costs.
    2024/01/29 16:44
  • Taiwan’s cold snap leads to food delivery dilemmas

    Residents in Taiwan are facing difficulties in getting food delivery services due to persistently low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration issued a cold weather warning, with the lowest temperature dropping to eight degrees Celsius across the country. As a result, many people have chosen to stay indoors, leading to a surge in online complaints about limited delivery options and self-pickup only. Some speculate that couriers are avoiding orders due to the cold weather and low delivery fees, which are as low as NT$30-40 per delivery. This has prompted discussions about the need for higher wages and better working conditions for couriers.
    2024/01/24 15:54
  • President Tsai lauds Taiwan’s economic growth in East Asia

    President Tsai Ing-wen commends Taiwan’s remarkable economic growth, surpassing East Asia’s average, during a year-end celebration. She urges corporations to enhance employee benefits as her term nears its end.
    2024/01/18 16:28
  • Survey reveals 58% of part-timers face wage issues

    58% of part-time workers in Taiwan have faced wage issues, misleading job ads, and illicit contracts, according to a survey by Yes123 Job Bank. The platform advises job hunters to follow a list of "seven don’ts" and "four musts" to protect themselves. The survey also found that a record-breaking 87% of university students plan to work part-time over the winter break, with reasons including earning living expenses and gaining social experience. Of the respondents, 65% reported receiving wages lower than the government’s minimum wage, with some not even being insured. Only about 30% actively negotiated or reported these issues. Yes123 spokesman Yang Tsung-pin urged job seekers to prioritize labor rights and work safety.
    2024/01/16 17:20
  • Taiwan ensures voting rights with election day off

    Taiwan’s election day has been designated as a day off under the Labor Standards Act to protect workers’ voting rights. On January 13th, the 16th Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, as well as the 11th Legislative Yuan elections, will be held. Employers are required to grant a day off with regular pay to workers who have voting rights and are scheduled to work on election day. The day off is a continuous 24-hour period from midnight to noon and cannot be exchanged for another working day. If workers are needed on election day, employers must obtain their agreement and not impede their right to vote.
    2024/01/06 11:23
  • Hou Yu-ih lists DPP’s ’top ten’ policy failures in 8 years

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, listed the ten major policy failures of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) during a livestream presidential debate. These failures include ineffective energy policies, food safety violations, deteriorated public security, debt burdening future generations, critical issues in people’s livelihoods, housing injustice, rising cross-strait military threats, plummeting wages, skyrocketing house prices, and ineffective pandemic responses. Hou elaborated on specific examples such as solar power corruption, tainted food black market dealings, overspending on "forward-looking" infrastructures, a lack of electricity and water, regulatory failure in the National Communications Commission (NCC), failed social housing policies, the threatening potential of military conflict, income inequality at a ten-year high, and around 20,000 deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hou expressed regret over his opponent, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign methods, accusing him of slander and displaying incompetence and unscrupulousness. Hou confirmed his opposition to Taiwanese independence while claiming that Lai advocated for it. He also criticized former Taipei Mayor and current Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je for not responding to this issue. Hou emphasized his lifelong pledge to remain loyal to the Republic of China’s flag and safeguard Taiwan’s democratic freedom.
    2023/12/30 15:47
  • Labor groups criticize parties for insufficient reforms

    As Taiwan’s elections approach, voter concerns over low wages and the Labor Insurance Fund’s bankruptcy are at the forefront. Labor groups criticize major parties for inadequate labor reforms, with a focus on enhancing labor rights and wages.
    2023/12/29 16:55
  • Chunghwa Express to discuss bonuses amid labor disputes

    Chunghwa Express Co. is set to discuss performance bonuses and collective agreements at an upcoming board meeting in an effort to resolve ongoing labor disputes and prevent potential strikes. The company’s union has warned of continued protests and strikes if a collective agreement is not signed, following a dispute over low wages and performance bonuses. Union members recently staged a sit-in protest at the campaign headquarters of a presidential candidate, leading to their forcible removal by riot police. The union hopes that a collective agreement can be reached promptly to protect employee rights, but has declared that it will not accept the board’s consideration of annual performance bonuses alone. If no resolution is reached, strike actions could disrupt check and document distribution at 1,400 local bank branches ahead of the Lunar New Year.
    2023/12/28 09:06
  • Taiwan’s minimum wage hike to benefit 2.39M workers in 2024

    Taiwan is set to increase its minimum wage for 2024, benefiting approximately 2.39 million workers. Monthly basic wages will rise from NT$26,400 to NT$27,470, a 4.05% increase, benefiting 1.79 million workers. Hourly wages will also see a boost from NT$176 to NT$183, benefiting around 600,000 workers. The changes will affect labor insurance premiums, with employers bearing an extra cost of NT$2,307, workers contributing NT$659, and the government chipping in NT$329. This marks an increase of NT$89, NT$25, and NT$13, respectively, compared to the existing system. The adjustment will also impact the categorization of labor insurance premiums and retirement monthly contributions schedules. While the wage hike will increase labor costs, it provides an important boost for workers in challenging economic times.
    2023/12/27 16:31
  • Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao faces dual legal challenges

    Hsinchu Mayor Ann Kao is set to appear in Taipei District Court on Wednesday, December 27, as the defendant in two separate legal matters. In the morning case, Kao is accused of defamation by Tario Ong, a business professor at Western Washington University, who claimed on social media that Kao’s doctoral thesis contained unreferenced data from the Institute for Information Industry. After Kao reported Ong for aggravated defamation and the prosecutor chose not to indict, Ong filed a countersuit. In the afternoon case, Kao is facing charges of fraudulently claiming assistant fees during her time as a legislator. The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has charged Kao with fraudulently obtaining NT$460,030 in wages and overtime pay for her assistants, resulting in charges of embezzlement and forgery. The courtroom may face an overflow of observers from the Hsinchu City Government. The cases are ongoing with further developments pending.
    2023/12/27 10:38
  • TPP’s Ko calls for change in leadership

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes the lack of long-term vision and planning in economic policy by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT). Despite a 120% increase in Taiwan’s GDP since 2000, real wages have only increased by 4% and the country ranks sixth in total working hours globally. Ko believes that low wages and poor living conditions are not the fault of Taiwanese people but rather the result of the government’s lack of global strategic planning. He questions what keyword might define 2024 if the DPP and KMT continue to be in power, and asserts that a change in leadership is needed. Ko suggests that he should be elected president in 2024 to address these ongoing issues, emphasizing the absence of comprehensive strategic planning as the underlying reason behind the problems.
    2023/12/26 18:18
  • Taiwan’s MOL reports surge in furloughed workers

    The Ministry of Labor reported a significant increase in the number of furloughed workers, with the manufacturing industry being the most affected. The labor ministry also predicted a high demand for labor in the accommodation and food services industry and the wholesale and retail trade sector. The global labor shortage crisis has led to businesses implementing solutions such as cross-training to boost productivity. The Regent Taipei successfully reduced its labor shortage rate through cross-training and creating a positive work environment. Fair wages and a positive work environment are believed to be key factors in employee retention.
    2023/12/26 15:52
  • CHEX board to discuss worker bonuses amid union tensions

    Tensions between management and unionized workers at Chunghwa Express (CHEX) continue as the company’s chairman announces a board meeting to address the issue of performance bonuses. The employees’ union, which has organized industrial actions over wages and bonuses, has been engaged in negotiations for over a year with no consensus reached. The union claims that negotiations have made no progress and is preparing for a strike vote. The union is urging the government to take the issues seriously and address the grievances of grassroots workers.
    2023/12/20 19:30
  • Nearly half in Taiwan expect pay hikes in 2024, survey shows

    Nearly 46% of Taiwanese people expect a salary increase next year, according to a survey by Cathay Financial Holding Co. The survey also found that about 60% of respondents anticipate year-end bonuses ranging from one to three months’ salary, while 8.3% expect bonuses to exceed three months. However, 47.6% of those surveyed expect monthly wages to remain constant. The survey also revealed a conservative estimate for Taiwan’s 2024 economic growth, with an average expectation of 2.52%, contrasting with the more bullish 3.35% forecast by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics. Respondents predict an average inflation rate of 2.21%, with 55% believing it will exceed 2%, higher than the directorate’s projection of 1.64% for 2024. The survey was conducted from Dec. 1-7 and gathered 13,379 valid responses through email questionnaires.
    2023/12/20 19:13
  • Taiwan sees economic confidence boost: survey

    A survey by Cathay Financial Holdings reveals a rise in Taiwan’s economic confidence, with the outlook index turning positive and stock market optimism rebounding. The December survey shows that 70% of the population expects the economic growth rate to exceed 2% in 2024, while 55% anticipate the inflation rate to remain above 2%. These expectations differ slightly from projections by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics (DGBAS), which forecasts a 3.35% economic growth rate and an inflation rate of 1.64% for 2024. The DGBAS data suggests that people may be more conservative about economic expansion and anticipate higher inflation. Additionally, expectations for salary adjustments have improved compared to 2022, with 45.9% of those surveyed predicting wage increases. Of these, 9.2% believe raises will exceed 3%, and 47.6% expect monthly regular wages to stay the same. Taiwan’s current situation confidence index has climbed from -23.2 in November to -3.0 in December, while the future outlook confidence index has improved from -9.1 to 3.6, signaling growing optimism about Taiwan’s upcoming economic climate.
    2023/12/20 14:56
  • EVA pilots union prepare for strike vote amid labor dispute

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has taken their concerns to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), demanding increased oversight of EVA Air due to dissatisfaction over wages and annual bonuses despite rising revenues. The union has threatened to limit the airline’s rights if conditions are not improved by a specified deadline and plans to hold a strike vote on December 22. EVA Air has faced scrutiny for various issues, including understaffing that has led to several safety incidents. Pilots accuse the airline of excessive cost-cutting measures, such as hiring foreign pilots through illegal brokers, resulting in a workforce where foreign pilots outnumber national pilots. Over the past year, EVA Air has experienced a significant decline in national pilots, with approximately 10% of the total pilot workforce leaving. The union also claims that EVA Air’s response to the manpower shortage, including mandatory overtime and inadequate training, has resulted in frequent safety incidents. The union is calling for a comprehensive labor inspection and continuous penalties for workplace safety incidents. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications has received a petition from the union and emphasizes the priority of flight safety and public well-being, urging EVA Air to engage in dialogue. The Ministry of Labor is also involved in labor-capital negotiations. The strike vote result, due on January 5, will determine whether a strike will be launched, contingent on EVA Air’s willingness to negotiate improvement measures sincerely.
    2023/12/18 16:40
  • Taiwan MOE to review special ed teacher pay amid exodus

    The Ministry of Education in Taiwan is reviewing whether to increase the allowance for special education teachers due to a significant attrition rate in the field. Special education teachers are leaving the profession due to increased administrative duties and stagnant wages. The special allowance for these teachers has remained unchanged for 32 years. Concerns have been raised about the heavy workload and lack of compensation for summer and winter breaks. The Taiwan Special Education Professional Personnel Association has proposed raising the allowance to incentivize teachers to stay. The Ministry of Education has acknowledged the need to enhance special education services and is considering adjusting the compensation scheme. They are also exploring the possibility of allowing administrative supervisors to receive full extra-duty pay despite a reduction in teaching hours. The ministry aims to ensure fair treatment and reflect the realities of the educational environment.
    2023/12/12 17:32
  • Legislative Yuan passes law linking minimum wage to CPI

    The Legislative Yuan has passed the Minimum Wage Bill in Taiwan, which requires employers to meet minimum wage standards when settling wages with employees. Noncompliance with this law could result in fines of up to NT$1.5 million and public disclosure of the offender’s name. The new legislation mandates the inclusion of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as one of the key references when determining minimum wage, linking wage adjustments more closely with the cost of living. Previously, adjustments to the basic wage were governed by lesser regulations - the Deliberation Regulations for Basic Wage, which are merely administrative orders and do not guarantee annual wage increases. Labor Minister Hsu Ming-chun welcomed the passage of this legislation, expressing gratitude to labor and employer groups, scholar experts, and legislators from all parties for their support. President Tsai Ing-wen had initially proposed the elevation of the Minimum Wage from an administrative order to the force of law in her 2016 policy plan, but it took seven years for the draft to make its way through the legislative process.
    2023/12/12 16:48
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