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    reform 結果共121筆

  • KMT’s Hou Yu-ih vows to overhaul ’108 Curriculum’ if elected

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has promised to review the controversial 108 curriculum if elected, in response to concerns from parents, students, and educators. He plans to reinstate the National Conference on Education, which has not been held in 13 years, to reassess the curriculum. The curriculum has been criticized as "shameless" by a teacher at Taipei First Girls High School, sparking societal debate. Former President Ma Ying-jeou has supported the criticism, urging the Ministry of Education to urgently review and improve the curriculum. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te has a different perspective, arguing that textbook publishers consider teachers’ opinions and that this should not be equated with curriculum issues. TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has stated his opposition to de-Sinicization in education and believes in recognizing the cultural continuum. The approaches of each candidate on educational reform will be important considerations for voters in the upcoming election.
    2023/12/09 15:58
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang questions need to revive SID

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator-at-large candidate Vivian Huang has expressed concerns about the proposal to reinstate the Special Investigation Division (SID). Huang questions the necessity of reviving the SID when other prosecutors should be capable of handling cases without it. This debate arises from Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s recent proposal to revive the disbanded SID. Huang has called on the KMT and Hou to provide specific details and reasoning for restoring the SID before she decides whether to support the initiative. TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also criticized the establishment of new units whenever problems arise, expressing doubts about their effectiveness. Huang, along with other TPP legislator-at-large candidates, has emphasized the need for judicial reforms to combat judicial injustices, unlawful influence-peddling, organized crime, opaque parole processes, and to address challenges faced by prosecutors such as interference, inadequate training, and a rise in fraud cases. These reforms include the introduction of whistle blower protection laws and criminalization of unlawful gifting and influence trading.
    2023/12/04 17:29
  • Tsai likens her tenure’s end to ’waiting to graduate’

    President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan humorously compares her current state to ’waiting to graduate’ while emphasizing the significance of supporting the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for its commitment to defense reform. Tsai highlights the party’s vital role in legislative support for key defense initiatives and endorses DPP candidate Lai Ching-te.
    2023/11/28 17:25
  • Ko blames KMT for failed alliance, eyes strong opposition

    Ko Wen-je, the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate, criticized the Kuomintang (KMT) for prioritizing the presidency and failing to consider alternative options. He expressed his willingness to compromise but emphasized the need for a strong alliance among opposition parties. Ko cited an experts’ meeting that favored his ticket over the KMT’s. He accused the KMT of misrepresenting his intentions and failing to reflect public opinion. Despite the temporary split between the KMT and TPP, Ko remains confident that the 2024 political turnover can be achieved. He thanked Terry Gou for withdrawing from the presidential race and acknowledged his running mate Cynthia Wu’s commitment to charitable work. Ko pledged to stay steadfast in the face of challenges and believed in the power of the people to deepen democratic reform.
    2023/11/26 14:36
  • Taiwan’s MOE reforms fitness tests for students

    The Ministry of Education’s Sports Administration in Taiwan has announced a significant reform to student fitness assessments. Sit-ups will be replaced with curl-ups in order to enhance safety and comprehensiveness in evaluating students’ physical fitness. These changes, which will take effect on August 1, 2024, also include the option to test cardiovascular endurance using diverse and internationally trending methods. The revised regulations are tailored for students aged 10 to under 23 years old and aim to provide a more holistic assessment of physical abilities. The reform allows instructors to select testing methods based on environmental conditions, ensuring safety and accuracy. These changes align with international standards and aim to promote robust and health-conscious youth.
    2023/11/23 09:41
  • Kaohsiung mayor demands Taipower reform after outages

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai expressed dissatisfaction with Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) during an interpellation at the City Council. Three power failures occurred in Kaohsiung within three days. Chen assigned a consumer ombudsman to assess damage and investigate losses. He demanded Taipower conduct an examination, upgrade the grid, enhance safety measures, and implement thorough management.
    2023/11/22 20:30
  • KMT-TPP alliance likely to be set after cross-party talk

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) held a "party-to-party" talk to determine their joint presidential ticket. The Ma Ying-jeou Foundation confirmed that nationwide polling will be used to select the best presidential candidate for the KMT-TPP coalition. Former President Ma Ying-jeou was present at the talk, which included TPP candidate Ko Wen-je, KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih, and KMT chair Eric Chu. The joint party candidate will be chosen based on polling results from both parties and external organizations. The accuracy of the results will be determined by polling experts from both parties. The final results will be announced on Saturday by the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation. The meeting concluded with an agreement to establish a coalition government based on shared national visions and policies.
    2023/11/16 21:18
  • ’Hou-Ko’ ticket gains strong support in presidential poll

    The collaborative "Hou-Ko" candidate ticket in the Taiwan presidential election has received significant support in an online poll conducted by United Daily News. As of Thursday morning, around 320,000 people had voted, with 70% favoring Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih over Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) Ko Wen-je. The poll, which lasted 15 days, allowed daily voting and resulted in a coalition between the KMT and the TPP. The collaboration aims to consolidate opposition strength under the presidential candidate with the highest support, as determined by polls and announced by the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation. The results will be publicized on Nov. 18, and both parties will form a campaign committee to endorse their candidates. Under the watch of Ma Ying-jeou, the KMT and TPP pledged to establish a joint government to lead Taiwan’s third wave of democratic reform.
    2023/11/16 11:23
  • KMT Chair emphasizes collective democratic reform

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu emphasizes the need for collective negotiation in the third wave of democratic reform, amidst a potential "blue-white party alliance" for the 2024 presidential election in Taiwan. Chu’s comments follow Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s openness to using nationwide polling, a method favored by former President Ma Ying-jeou, to determine the final candidate combination. While the KMT and TPP agree on implementing a national poll, differences remain in the content and rules. Chu is committed to upholding the spirit of democratic reform and negotiation, and ongoing talks with Ko have not been interrupted.
    2023/11/12 11:46
  • Taiwan’s health insurance to include Chinese students

    Taiwanese health authorities plan to include Chinese students in the island’s health insurance starting from the 2024 school year, according to Minister of Health and Welfare Hsueh Jui-yuan. Currently, international students must wait six months after arriving in Taiwan to be eligible for health insurance. The reform was prompted by concerns from Paraguay about the health rights of its students in Taiwan and was supported by Vice President Lai Ching-te, who advocated for equal treatment of Chinese students. Currently, international students with a residence permit and six months of residency in Taiwan can apply for health insurance at a cost of NT$826 per person per month. The Ministry of Health and Welfare, along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mainland Affairs Council, has been considering this measure for some time and has evaluated its financial impact. The inclusion of Chinese students in the health insurance program will require adjustments to premiums for all international students, but the overall impact is expected to be minimal. The new measure will not apply to students who are in Taiwan for short periods and not pursuing a degree. However, it could be implemented as early as September 2024 for international students with a residence permit. Despite a halt on Chinese students coming to Taiwan since 2020, 378 students registered in 2022. The peak of Chinese students in Taiwan was in 2016, with a total of 41,975 students.
    2023/11/09 11:29
  • Millions to benefit from digital health reform next year

    Taiwan’s Health and Welfare Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, has announced the launch of a telemedicine project next week to meet the growing demand for virtual diagnosis and long-distance clinical services. The telehealth initiative, set to debut in April next year, will not only cover acute and long-term care but also extend to chronic treatments, serious accidents, infectious cases, and care for people with disabilities. The National Health Insurance Administration estimates that over seven million people will benefit from these telehealth reforms. However, concerns have been raised by Legislator Lai Hui-yuan regarding the overdue project and the NHIA’s plans to boost digital health in Taiwan. The NHIA Department of Medical Affairs Director, Liu Lin-yi, responded by stating that telemedicine services became accessible to general patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 460 thousand patients receiving diagnoses through video calls. To ensure a smooth digital transition, MOHW Health Division Chief Liu Yueh-Ping emphasized the need for standards and the completion of necessary setups within six months.
    2023/11/08 18:51
  • KMT officials petition collaboration with TPP

    Fifteen regional leaders of the Kuomintang (KMT) have petitioned for their party to collaborate with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 elections. The petition expresses support for one of two proposals put forward by KMT Chairman Eric Chu. The presidential and vice presidential candidates would be Hou Yu-ih and Ko Wen-je if the KMT is victorious, or Ko and Hou if the TPP wins. The two systems, based on the Japanese or German model, are determined by comparative polls. The KMT aims to achieve democratic reform in Taiwan through this collaboration to avoid a single dominant party.
    2023/11/04 16:50
  • KMT, TPP heads agree on coalition plans, democratic reform

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu and TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je affirm collaboration on legislative seats and democratic reform in Taiwan. The partnership aims to challenge the Democratic Progressive Party’s longstanding rule, enhance legislative function, and promote policies for national security and public health. The alliance also vows to restore stability across the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/10/30 17:54
  • Labor minister denies rumor of labor insurance bankruptcy

    The labor minister of Taiwan, Hsu Ming-chun, has assured the public that the government-backed labor insurance will not face bankruptcy. Hsu emphasized that the government will continue to allocate supplementary funds to prevent this outcome. Concerns had arisen due to the growing imbalance between the number of pension recipients and payees, with predictions of bankruptcy by 2028. However, Hsu pointed out that the government has been providing supplementary pension funds for the past four years and assured that this plan will be maintained. She also stated that the government’s supplementary labor insurance provisions are considered part of administrative expenditures. While there are currently no provisions in place for additional government funds, Hsu suggested that it could be implemented if approved.
    2023/10/25 17:58
  • Terry Gou proposes "two-round voting system" for Taiwan

    Taiwan’s independent presidential candidate, Terry Gou, has made his move ahead of the impending 2024 presidential race, proposing the notion of a "two-round voting system" on Tuesday evening (Oct. 17). In a Facebook post, the Foxconn founder expressed the need for constitutional reform in the existing system, criticizing the divide of power and responsibility between the president and the Premier. He advocates for reform to a ’double-leadership’ structure, aligning both power and responsibility with the position of president.
    2023/10/18 11:01
  • KMT unveils overhauling policies at ’Blue Fighters’ meeting

    KMT unveils eight policy proposals at ’BLUE FIGHTERS’ briefing. Key points include nuclear plant extensions, Cabinet system support, military salary hikes, and education reform. Will Han Kuo-yu unite the opposition for the 2024 election challenge? Get the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2023/10/11 19:28
  • Premier admits oversights in egg imports, vows to reform

    Premier Chen Chien-jen delivers a special report to the Legislative Yuan addressing the controversy surrounding egg imports on Friday (Sept. 22). Acknowledging oversights and expressing regret for the social disturbances caused by the emergency importation, Chen hopes to appease the public’s anger by vowing to implement reform.
    2023/09/22 12:28
  • Young crowd cheers for Ko Wen-je at housing justice rally

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Presidential hopeful Ko Wen-je received enthusiastic cheers from the young crowd at Sunday’s housing justice and judicial reform rally in Taipei.
    2023/07/17 16:35
  • Terry Gou joins large-scale rally for housing justice

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou joined on Sunday (July 16) a large-scale march in Taipei advocating for housing justice, highlighting widespread concerns over the housing issue in Taiwan and calls for meaningful reform.
    2023/07/16 18:26
  • Prominent Taiwanese figures join hands for housing justice

    Chen Chih-han, a well-known Taiwanese internet celebrity, along with former New Power Party chairman and legislator Huang Kuo-chang, visited the headquarters of Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) on Monday (July 3). Together, they presented an invitation to TPP chairman Ko Wen-je, urging him to join a rally in front of the Presidential Office on July 16th, under the theme of "saving Taiwan."
    2023/07/03 17:40
  • 愛沙尼亞中間偏右黨贏大選 組聯合政府困難重重

    愛沙尼亞中間偏右反對黨改革黨(Reform Party)今天在國會大選中意外勝出,打敗總理拉塔斯(Juri Ratas)的中間偏左執政黨中央黨(Centre Party)。
    2019/03/04 11:40
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