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    李重儀桃花運感情運刀傷演員們的旅行 創業5566價格銅板價阿妹豪邁
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    IEEE 結果共6筆

  • Decades of dedication: Tsai Ming-kai shares his journey

    Explore how MediaTek, under the leadership of Tsai Ming-kai, rivals Nvidia’s influence in the tech world, earning global recognition and making significant technological advances.
  • TSMC unveils A14 tech, eyes 1.4nm node production

    TSMC, the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company, announced progress in the development of its 1.4nm-class technology node, A14, during the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting. The company plans to begin volume production of its 2nm process chips, N2, in 2025, with the N2P process expected to reach mass production by the end of 2026. Market analysts predict that TSMC’s A14 process could debut between 2027 and 2028. While TSMC is also developing cutting-edge technologies like CFETs to boost chip performance and energy efficiency, the initial A14 process is expected to use GAAFETs technology. The use of High-NA EUV lithography technology in TSMC’s future processes, including the A14 process, remains unconfirmed. Other industry players like Intel are also adopting next-generation EUV technology with a numerical aperture of 0.55.
    2023/12/15 17:24
  • 產學合作舉辦競賽 培育AIoT跨域能力新世代

    疫情加速產業在數位化經濟的佈局,整合軟硬體科技人才的深耕培育及轉型,更是刻不容緩。今年(2022)創創AIoT競賽邁入第六屆,由臺科大電機工程學系與國際電機電子工程學會IEEE Signal Processing台北分會主辦,共計吸引全台36校超過110組參賽隊報名,智慧場館組首獎由成功大學工程科學系及建築系合作隊伍獲得,而智慧照護組首獎則由長庚科技大學護理系及雲林科技大學電子系隊伍獲得,凸顯出團隊在場域應用上,藉由跨領域對話激盪出創意火花,展現出高度整合力。
    2022/07/21 09:31
  • 台積電7奈米生產逾10億顆 獲IEEE企業創新獎

    2020/12/09 10:00
  • 貿戰下收緊美簽 陸生.學者赴美加審社群帳號

    2019/06/04 19:52
  • 快訊/全台首人!交大教授施敏獲IEEE尊榮會員

    2017/12/01 12:34
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