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    GEM 結果共8筆

  • Tainan tourist gem marred by "Tree Mouse" sign blunder

    Discover the story of a spelling mishap at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, Taiwan. Unveil how a signpost error turned "tree house" into "tree mouse," causing confusion among visitors. Explore Councilor Lee Chi-wei’s call for improved English proficiency to enhance international interactions and preserve Taiwan’s unique heritage.
    2024/03/18 10:52
  • THSR bento serves up culinary delight

    Discover the hidden culinary gem at Taiwan High Speed Rail Taichung Station’s railway bento outlet. Renovated in line with Taiwan Railway administration corporatization, the outlet offers sumptuous bento boxes that have garnered praise from locals and tourists. Experience the renowned flavor of the railway spare ribs bento and indulge in meticulously selected domestic pork rib chops with a unique marinade recipe. With a 18% increase in bento sales in 2023, the outlet sold over half a million boxes, making it a must-try dining destination for travelers.
    2024/03/06 18:16
  • Sun Yat-Sen Memorial outshines Palace Museum in visits

    The National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall has surpassed the National Palace Museum as Taiwan’s most visited museum from January to September, with a staggering 7,767,715 visits. The Taiwan Lantern Festival, held in February, played a significant role in attracting visitors, with 6,337,840 attendees. The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall ranked second with 2,116,822 visits, while the National Museum of Natural Science in Taichung secured the third spot with 2,042,932 visits. Despite recording only 504,503 visits, the Chimei Museum in Tainan has gained attention online as an underrated gem with a rich art collection.
    2023/11/22 20:48
  • Property buyers flock to Taiwan’s real estate gem: Taoyuan

    High housing prices in Taipei are pushing people toward Taoyuan and Keelung for more affordable options. Taoyuan’s population has surged, making it a top choice, thanks to excellent transportation links.
    2023/09/11 21:12
  • NASA證實了!美加邊境驚現「外星殘骸」:史上首次紀錄

    美國航太總署(NASA)證實消息,確定美國與加拿大的邊境處有觀測到隕石墜落,同時緬因州當地的博物館「緬因州礦物與寶石博物館(Maine Mineral and Gem Museum)」為了找到隕石殘骸,也祭出了2.5萬美金(約76萬新台幣)的懸賞金額,希望有隕石獵人能夠協助找到碎片,相關消息釋出後也立即引起熱烈討論。
    2023/04/20 09:58
  • 合約風波仍未解!鄧紫棋先宣布「這件喜事」 粉絲感動

    2019/04/19 18:38
  • 與經紀公司鬧翻 「鄧紫棋」名字不能用了?

    2019/03/13 20:03
  • 《榜上榜小春吶》LIVE演唱會 700位粉絲擠爆攝影棚

    TVBS《全球中文音樂榜上榜》今晚舉辦《榜上榜小春吶》LIVE演唱會,邀請MP魔幻力量、嘻哈歌手袁詠琳、音樂鬥士潘裕文等人接力獻唱,與攝影棚現場700位穿上「夏日海灘風」Dress code的粉絲一起沉醉在音樂中盡情搖滾吶喊,本週《全球中文音樂榜上榜》最新榜單也跟著出爐,冠軍由「圓融教主」Selina任家萱的新歌「自選曲」奪下,緊追在後的則是GEM鄧紫棋「多遠都要在一起」,而今晚出現在《榜上榜小春吶》現場的潘裕文獲得現場歌迷熱情支持,「永不結束的馬拉松」名次一路向上爬到榜單第四,另外袁詠琳「Come to Mami」搭上MP魔幻力量廷廷、嘎嘎的精彩表演,不負眾望也得到第六名的好成績
    2015/03/14 23:03
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