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    media interpretation 結果共2筆

  • Taiwanese education system rethinks smartphone policies

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the challenges of smartphone use in schools, balancing technology integration with educational goals.
    2023/11/28 11:38
  • Hou Yu-ih slams Ko Wen-je for TPP-KMT pact ambiguity

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih criticizes Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) counterpart Ko Wen-je for lukewarm collaboration efforts, calling it a betrayal despite KMT’s efforts to maintain good relations. Hou and KMT legislative candidate Lu Yu-ling inaugurate joint campaign headquarters, attended by KMT’s vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong. Hou questions Ko’s interpretation of a previously signed six-point agreement, emphasizing unity and discipline within the KMT. Amid scrutiny over Jaw’s retention of his chairman position at the Broadcasting Corporation of China (BCC), Hou assures that it will be handled according to the law. Jaw states he has ceased radio show activities and requested leave from BCC, willing to comply with National Communications Commission (NCC) requirements. Jaw also accuses ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of funding pro-green media outlets, denouncing it as collusion between politics and the media.
    2023/11/25 14:37
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