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    foreign policies 結果共13筆

  • China sanctions former US Rep. Gallagher for Taiwan support

    China imposes sanctions on ex-U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher for his support of Taiwan and criticism of CCP policies, including an entry ban and asset freeze. Gallagher vows to continue exposing CCP actions.
    2024/05/22 13:23
  • Taiwan strategizes amid looming Trump-Biden election battle

    Explore the potential repercussions of the Biden vs. Trump rematch in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, focusing on global dynamics, Taiwan’s strategic positioning, and the contrasting policies of both candidates.
    2024/05/08 17:11
  • MOFA to allow spouses to work in same overseas offices

    Explore Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu’s commitment to family-friendly policies in diplomatic postings, addressing marital concerns among staff, and promoting a supportive work environment.
    2024/05/03 12:24
  • Evan Medeiros analyzes US, China changing domestic politics

    Former NSC senior director Evan Medeiros delves into US-China dynamics, highlighting Congress’s focus on China issues and Xi Jinping’s domestic policy shifts. As the US elections approach, Medeiros urges resilience and diversification in global relations.
    2024/02/21 17:28
  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim touts ’Taiwanese Spirit’ in Yunlin

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasizes the importance of embracing the "Taiwanese spirit" for effective foreign policies, understanding Taiwan’s strengths and needs, and bolstering defense forces to foster international friendships. Hsiao rallies support for the DPP during her campaign stop in Yunlin, reaffirming the commitment of the "Lai-Hsiao ticket" to continue President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies. She engages in a multilingual question-and-answer session with students at National Formosa University, highlighting Taiwan’s kindness and contributions and emphasizing the country’s commitment to equity, justice, and democratic peace.
    2023/12/20 10:58
  • Hsiao Bi-khim advocates for DPP majority in legislature

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of the DPP holding a majority in the legislature to ensure continuous progress for Taiwan. Speaking at a women’s support group event in Tucheng District, Hsiao highlighted her past achievements, including signing the inaugural agreements of the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. She also mentioned that talks to prevent double taxation with the U.S. are nearing completion, which will enhance bilateral trade relations. Hsiao stressed the DPP government’s commitment to establishing friendly and commercial ties with the international community, urging a broader perspective beyond the focus on the 1992 Consensus. She expressed confidence in the foreign policy direction under President Tsai Ing-wen’s administration and the potential for a Lai-Hsiao team to continue this diplomatic route. Hsiao emphasized the symbolic significance of drawing number two in the election draw, representing integrity and steady advancement, and portraying the elections as a testament to Taiwan’s democratic strength. She reiterated the importance of a legislative majority for the DPP to implement stable and progressive policies, reducing resource drain from cross-party conflicts.
    2023/12/12 13:26
  • Hsiao pledges to uphold Tsai ing-wen’s ’Taiwan status quo’

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim pledges to uphold President Tsai Ing-wen’s policies, which include maintaining the status quo and refraining from pursuing Taiwanese independence. Hsiao expressed this commitment during a legislative rally in New Taipei, emphasizing that the status quo is the most widely accepted position among all parties. The Lai-Hsiao ticket aims to continue Tsai’s path and gain support from the international community. Hsiao also highlighted the importance of a stable foreign policy that does not succumb to pressure, ensuring the preservation of Taiwan’s current situation. Additionally, Hsiao and DPP candidate Lai Ching-te promise to carry forward the strong Taiwan-U.S. relationship established under Tsai’s leadership.
    2023/12/12 13:15
  • Taiwan’s #MeToo, viral resurgence among LINE TODAY hits

    LINE TODAY, an information site by LY Corporation, reveals the top 10 news topics in 2023. Entertainment news, mainly linked to #MeToo movement sexual harassment incidents involving Taiwanese celebrities, tops the list. Coco Lee’s passing, a Hong Kong-American Mandarin pop singer-songwriter, ranks second. Relaxed pandemic policies causing a resurgence of viruses takes the third spot. Taiwanese people show high sensitivity to international affairs, reflected in comments and shares on the "TODAY Sees the World" channel. Popular polls and quizzes cover leisure, entertainment, livelihood, and policy topics, including Apple products, the president’s salary, and the "Slam Dunk" manga quiz.
    2023/12/11 21:29
  • Education head backs bilingual policy despite union concerns

    Taipei’s Education Minister, Pan Wen-chung, responded to concerns raised by the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) about the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy. Pan emphasized the importance of English proficiency as a crucial competitive skill for students. He emphasized the need for a balanced approach in teaching methods and strategies to ensure that students’ foundational academic abilities are not neglected. The NFTU expressed apprehension that excessive emphasis on English in the bilingual policy could undermine national competitiveness and called for a thorough reassessment of language policies post-election. Pan highlighted the importance of English and digital literacy as vital competencies for students and stressed the necessity of the bilingual policy for English language education. He mentioned that the implementation of the policy allows schools to join gradually and includes plans for teacher training enhancements and the inclusion of foreign instructors. Pan also mentioned that Mandarin courses would be available alongside university courses conducted entirely in English to give students the freedom of choice. He noted that some locales have been overly emphasizing English expertise during teacher recruitment and that the Ministry of Education will issue reminders for a more balanced evaluation. Rolling revisions will be made based on the progress of the bilingual initiative.
    2023/12/07 21:17
  • Hou Yu-ih proposes balanced U.S.-China diplomatic ties

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih proposes a pro-US and China diplomatic stance, diverging from incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen’s approach. Hou criticizes Tsai’s foreign affairs and cross-strait policies, blaming the Tsai administration for Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation, failure to join regional economic bodies, and lack of communication with China. Hou emphasizes adhering to the Constitution of the Republic of China, affirming the nation’s sovereignty, and proposing a balanced stance between fostering solid ties with the United States and engaging with Mainland China. He also highlights the importance of Taiwan being prepared and realistic about its defense, suggesting that the island’s security should not rely solely on promises from the US but on its efforts and pragmatic relations with democratic allies. Political commentator Jaw Shau-kong fiercely criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for being pro-US and anti-China, deeming Tsai’s policies on cross-strait relations and international diplomacy a complete failure. Jaw points out that despite Taiwan’s willingness to import American pork, the support has yet to translate into the U.S. helping with Taiwan’s entry into international organizations.
    2023/12/07 19:13
  • Ko Wen-je aims for 10 seats in Legislative Yuan election

    Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, the presidential candidate for the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), aims to win a total of 10 seats in the upcoming Legislative Yuan elections. He plans to maintain President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign affairs policies while adopting a friendlier approach to cross-strait relations and emphasizing Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. Despite his pro-Democratic Progressive Party stance, Ko aims for a non-partisan approach to governance, drawing on his experience as a physician. He believes that the key to his success lies in the turnout of young voters and aspires to make Taiwan a "normal country." Ko has been using his media platform, "KP TV," and participating in interviews to enhance his media presence. Cynthia Wu has been chosen as the vice-presidential candidate for the TPP. Ko hinted at the possibility of involving Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn, in the campaign after discussing economic policies with Gou’s team. While Ko did not provide specific vote estimates, he mentioned that around 5.5 million votes are needed to win the presidency. He also suggested that if the TPP and the Kuomintang (KMT) were to part ways, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) might gain a majority in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/07 09:58
  • Ko Wen-je outlines cultural initiatives for ethnic groups

    Presidential candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has proposed several cultural initiatives to strengthen the rights of various ethnic groups in Taiwan. He emphasized that Taiwan’s composition is primarily a result of self-identification among different groups, with 67% identifying as Fujianese, 19% as Hakka, 5% from various Chinese provinces, 2% indigenous Taiwanese, and 8% as "new residents" including migrant workers, professionals, new immigrants, second-generation immigrants, and foreign university students. Ko advocated for Taiwan to become a melting pot for diverse ethnic groups and proposed a law against ethnic discrimination. Specifically addressing the Hakka community, he unveiled proposals to preserve Hakka culture and position Taiwan as a global hub for Hakka society. Ko also presented policies to support Taiwan’s indigenous populations, including granting more rights and establishing tribal self-governance councils.
    2023/11/16 17:07
  • Wenchi Yu expects China to continue ‘wolf warrior diplomacy’

    The 20th Communist Party Congress produced intense media coverage last week as we tried to understand the leadership transition in the world’s second-largest economy. The process will have lasting impacts on China’s economic and foreign policies moving forward, according to TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu.
    2022/10/26 10:19
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