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    city government 結果共153筆

  • New Taipei holds job fair to fill 3,000 local positions

    The New Taipei City government hosted its first major talent recruitment event of the year. Fifty-six firms participated, seeking to fill more than 3,000 job openings, primarily in the service, retail, and technology manufacturing sectors.
    2023/02/04 19:11
  • Students deem removal of Chiang Kai-shek statues unnecessary

    The Ministry of the Interior aims to remove what they consider "symbols of authoritarianism" nationwide. It is offering a NT$100,000 subsidy for removing any Chiang Kai Shek or Chiang Ching-kuo statues. The Ministry of the Interior encourages schools, county, and city authorities to remove these statues.
    2022/12/12 19:00
  • 〈獨家〉市政府=HALL?GOVERNMENT? 民眾分不清

    台中新市政中心這個月10日才落成,就有民眾發現,英文名稱「TAICHUNG CITY HALL」,寫成了「TAICHUGN CITY GOVERNMENT」。不少台灣民眾都覺得,CITY HALL的用法在國外比較常見,希望市府在定案前要多聽意見,不過看在外國人眼裡,則是認為2種用法都可以,沒有哪一種是錯誤的。
    2010/10/18 15:50
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