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    Starry 結果共3筆

  • Sam Lee, NICKTHEREAL shine at New Taipei Christmas concert

    The Superstar Christmas Concert in New Taipei concluded with captivating performances by Taiwanese singer Sam Lee and actor-singer Nick Chou (NICKTHEREAL). The event featured an impressive lineup of renowned singers and bands, delighting fans who filled the venue. Chou’s rendition of his hit song "Handsome to Break Up" ignited the crowd, while Sam Lee, known as the "Taiwanese Prince of Love Songs," mesmerized the audience with his performances of "The Night Sky Under Your Eye" and "Absolute Infatuation." The atmosphere was enhanced by the audience, who created a starry night effect using their cellphone flashlights. Another standout moment was singer and rapper OSN’s rendition of his classic song "Without You," which prompted a massive sing-along among fans. The two-day concert at New Taipei Fun Christmas City set a festive tone for the upcoming Christmas season, with fans eagerly cheering for their favorite artists.
    2023/12/11 21:05
  • 百事推新款檸檬汽水挑戰雪碧 美網友吐槽:喝起來都一樣

    2023/04/23 15:19
  • 中秋月餅/強調非工廠代工!晶華推手工「紫薯流心月餅」

    中秋節越來越近,月餅大戰開打!台北晶華酒店即日起正式推出第二波月餅禮盒搶市,有別於研發口味後、交由食品廠製作,強調此次上市的「雙月.紫薯流心布朗尼雙拼手工月餅禮盒」是由晶華軒港籍點心主廚吳滿權與法籍點心行政主廚裴洛偉共同創作、手工烘焙而成。由梵谷名畫-Starry Night 為靈感所設計的壓克力禮盒,盛裝廣式餅皮包裹絲滑紫薯流心內餡的中式月餅,以及裹著翻糖外層的巧克力布朗尼造型蛋糕,有宇宙星球以及可愛月兔兩種造型,限量發售每盒1880元,消費者可自即日起於「晶華美食到你家」官方購物網站選購。
    2022/08/15 17:15
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