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    Polymarket 結果共3筆

  • 最新賭盤開出!賀錦麗大逆轉「超車川普」 勝選率逼近5成

    最新賭盤開出,美國副總統賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)已成為博弈業者看好入主白宮的人選,凸顯她在造勢活動中氣勢正盛,賭盤勝率已超車過去兩週領先的前總統川普。
    2024/08/09 23:44
  • 17 arrested for virtual currency election bets

    Yunlin County Police Bureau cracked down on an illegal gambling operation that accepted bets on the outcome of the presidential election using virtual currency. Seventeen bettors were arrested, and police confiscated approximately NT$171,661 in gambling funds. The individuals were arrested for violating the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act. Eight of those detained were released after questioning, but the remaining nine were retained for further summons. The illicit betting was discovered when the Yunlin police’s internet patrol unit spotted a decentralized betting platform called Polymarket, which had set up betting pools for three presidential candidates. The online players could place bets on event outcomes using USDC, a virtual currency, from their own digital wallets.
    2023/12/16 14:49
  • 又見總統大選地下賭盤!虛擬貨幣下注近千萬 雲林警逮17人

    2023/12/16 12:49
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