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    Endless 結果共5筆

  • Hsiao defends Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit amid DPP criticism

    Hsiao Hsu-tsen of the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation vows to confront DPP smear campaign ahead of Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit. He emphasizes one-China constitution and calls for DPP to address issues hindering cross-strait peace. Criticizes President Tsai’s two-state theory and warns of endless strife if constitutional issues not faced. Historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and China highlighted amid upcoming visit to Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor.
    2024/03/26 16:09
  • TVBS Charity draws over 100 to spread love and support

    The TVBS Charity Foundation hosted its fifth fundraising party in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Relief Association (CCRA). Over a hundred participants gathered to review the spread of love in Kaohsiung and Pingtung, with the theme of "Sharing Endless Love" at the heart of the event. The party aimed to express gratitude to churches, social welfare workers, and beneficiaries for their collaboration throughout the year. Kaohsiung City Government Deputy Secretary-General Chang Chiah-sing thanked the TVBS Foundation and the city government’s Social Affairs Bureau for their continuous support, which has aided local social charities and cared for about 12,000 middle and low-income households. Pastor Wang Chung-wu of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan shared that the "Endless Love" project helped approximately 100 households, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of brothers and sisters. President Chen Wen-ch’i of the TVBS Foundation expressed gratitude to Jesus for allowing everyone to understand the meaning of love and the essence of Christmas, while acknowledging the event’s role in expanding the power of love.
    2023/12/11 21:04
  • GR Yaris怎麼改? 準車主楊欣儒為下賽道好料上車

    「花180萬買一台Lancer,你怎麼花得下去?」這是當年8代Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution引進台灣時許多人的疑問,時至2021年,一台與Evo背景相似,同樣因應WRC賽事而生的車款──Toyota GR Yaris引進台灣,一樣接近180萬元的售價,卻絲毫不影響真正性能迷的購買意願,準車主Eddie楊欣儒在《地球黃金線》展示自己將要為GR Yaris下賽道走行做哪些升級。
    2021/09/09 15:02
  • 天堂的微笑短片獲休士頓影展銅獎 演員樂見台劇進軍國際

     由修杰楷、林予晞、方志友、唐振剛、黃尚禾主演的TVBS戲劇《天堂的微笑》,今年二月初播出最終回,此劇所延伸出的微電影《Endless Love》持續於國際發光發熱,今(18)日更獲得休士頓國際電影節紀錄短片類銅獎,演員們得知後興奮不已,林予晞認為這個喜訊代表「台劇」有著進軍國際的實力,也是為受到疫情影響而處於寒冬的影視產業注入一劑強心針。
    2020/05/18 19:10
  • 黑人歌后黛安娜羅絲 酒駕入獄

    享譽美國歌壇數10年,曾經唱紅「Endless love無盡的愛」這首歌的黑人老牌歌手黛安娜羅絲,現在面臨了牢獄之災,她因為酒醉駕車被捕,被法官判刑入監服刑2天。雖然只有短短2天,但是對於擁有巨星身分的黛安娜羅絲而言還是相當難堪。
    2004/02/10 15:55
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