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    人工智慧尾款研發中心 光電系 面試汽車NVIDIA孫安佐被逮阿婆水果潮境公園
  • 搜尋:

    ���������A��� 結果共8,964筆

  • Mayor welcomes home rescue team, gifts dogs toys for efforts

    Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chi-mai welcomes home a search and rescue team, including four dogs who helped locate victims of the April 3 Hualien earthquake. Roger, an 8-year-old rescue dog nearing retirement, found three deceased members of the Yu family and was gifted a toy upon return.
    2024/04/08 10:47
  • Aftershocks decrease daily following Hualien M7.2 quake

    A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Hualien on April 3, followed by 739 aftershocks. The quake caused damage to buildings and infrastructure in the area. The number of aftershocks has been decreasing daily.
    2024/04/08 10:31
  • 恭喜!大咖女星唱一半被求婚 他單膝下跪掏戒指全場嗨翻

    丁噹在結束台北、高雄三場「夜遊 A Night Tour」演唱會,日前帶著全新演唱會前往廣州,她開場就和廣州歌迷熱情打招呼,還因地制宜開玩笑說:「廣州的小蠻腰(廣州塔)下班了,丁噹的小蠻腰上班了!」因為2年沒和廣州的朋友見面,她說:「這次會讓大家解鎖我的很多面向,夠有誠意吧?」收獲大家熱情歡呼回應後,以〈夜遊〉為引,開啟這晚的派對。
    2024/04/07 15:01
  • 最佳時機是這時候!面膜使用「4重點」 太常敷恐營養過剩

    2024/04/06 14:55
  • 黃子佼發函喊「僅」7少女片!律師撂重話:1片就是無數遍

    2024/04/06 12:27
  • Taiwan shelters become a hot topic on Japanese social media

    Following a significant earthquake in Taiwan, the Tzu Chi Foundation’s "Fuhui Privacy Screens" for disaster relief shelters and widespread public support for the victims have garnered attention from Japanese netizens, underscoring Taiwan’s advanced disaster response strategy.
    2024/04/05 18:48
  • 男公關「坐一下」就轉檯!高雄酒店妹不爽踢爆蛋蛋 下場慘了

    2024/04/05 08:44
  • Authors unveil essence of Taiwanese cuisine in new cookbook

    Explore the rich flavors and unique identity of Taiwanese cuisine with Clarissa Wei and Ivy in their new cookbook, "Made in Taiwan." This culinary journey offers a fresh perspective on the island’s diverse food culture, distinct from its neighbors.
    2024/04/05 08:00
  • Demolition begins in Hualien following 7.2 magnitude quake

    Following a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien, demolition of damaged buildings has begun, including the Uranus Building on Xuanyuan Rd, close to Dongdamen Night Market. The quake has resulted in 10 deaths, 1067 injuries, and extensive damage.
    2024/04/04 19:47
  • 手握少女謎片遭女律師重砲轟「死後下地獄」 黃子佼發聲了!

    2024/04/04 16:22
  • Hikers share survival stories from Hualien earthquake

    Foreign nationals hiking in Hualien’s Taroko National Park share their terrifying experiences of surviving a powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake, highlighting the impact on the landscape and their quick thinking that led to safety.
    2024/04/04 15:53
  • 黃子佼下載偷拍論壇A片 許常德開砲驚揭「下一步恐怖計畫」

    2024/04/04 14:14
  • 黃子佼「台版N號房」高級會員! 吹哨網紅怒轟:噁心的令人無法呼吸

    2024/04/04 11:13
  • 黃子佼竟偷拍論壇超大戶!6年買上百部A片 挨轟:迷戀未成年的變態

    藝人黃子佼成功從性騷案脫身不起訴,如今竟爆出案外案,他被發現硬碟藏有上百部從偷拍論壇「創意私房」買來的A片,不僅是高級會員,其中還有7部受害女性是未成年人,更扯的是,去年性騷案後他還在繼續購買。對此,作家凱薩琳・孔怒批「 習癖 」這種事真的不會變,更喊出「支持黃子佼無限期消失演藝圈」。
    2024/04/04 09:38
  • 性騷後還上偷拍論壇買A片!黃子佼「挨轟垃圾」:公眾人物最惡劣示範

    2024/04/04 07:28
  • Hualien County hardest hit by Taiwan’s significant quake

    A devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Taiwan early Wednesday, leaving nine dead and causing extensive infrastructure damage, particularly in Hualien County. Officials urge caution amidst ongoing rescue efforts and potential aftershocks.
    2024/04/03 19:13
  • TSMC shuts construction sites after 7.2 magnitude quake

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) halted all construction work on Wednesday (April 3) due to the impact of a major 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien earlier that day.
    2024/04/03 17:59
  • Emergency teams rescue trapped worker after Taiwan quake

    Following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, a warehouse in New Taipei City’s Zhonghe District collapsed, leading to an urgent rescue operation. Employees share harrowing accounts of the moment disaster struck.
    2024/04/03 16:53
  • Tsai Ing-wen heads to Hualien after 7.2 magnitude earthquake

    In response to a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and officials convened an emergency briefing, stressing the need for vigilance and accurate information. Rescue operations and MRT disruptions follow in the quake’s wake.
    2024/04/03 16:28
  • Taiwan’s capital sees school disruptions following quake

    Following a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan, schools in Taipei and other counties suspended classes, with over 200 schools reporting damage. Students were evacuated safely, thanks in part to recent drill preparations.
    2024/04/03 16:15
  • 《街頭男戰士》隊長驚爆「搞大未成年隊員肚子」 舞團面臨解散

    2024/04/03 15:16
  • 全家山丘藍霜淇淋開賣!限時第2支10元 加碼5支188元快囤

    2024/04/02 18:58
  • Taipower struggles with losses amid calls for reform

    National Audit Office Auditor-General Chen Jui-min calls on Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) to enhance management and boost revenue amid consecutive losses. Chen emphasizes the need for electricity price adjustments and debt interest reduction. Kuomintang Legislator Lin Ssu-ming questions Taipower’s deficits and government subsidies, urging a review of energy policy. Chen confirms NT$100 billion subsidy and stresses the importance of green energy for profit sustainability.
    2024/04/02 18:13
  • 醫美闆娘控尪「約砲、上班看A片」他慘遭淨身出戶 不忍撕破臉了

    2024/04/02 17:35
  • 才唱完兒童新樂園!U:NUS宣布新消息 高有翔突變寸頭帥翻

    全創作唱跳男團U:NUS今年在兒童新樂園舉辦「WELCOME TO THE A-TOWN」成軍週年演唱會,特別拍成〈霸王別姬〉LIVE版MV,氣勢磅礴的畫面讓人直呼過癮,震撼演出吸引大量好評,團員也紛紛推出個人作品,吳昱廷以「AuZTIN」名義發表個人作品〈里昂(LEON)〉,高有翔以英文名「Sean Ko」和吳昱廷找來昔日選秀節目戰友LCY呂植宇,推出單曲〈分手信〉於昨4月1日愚人節正式上架,更提前鋪陳CP分手戲碼引網友熱議。
    2024/04/02 16:54
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