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    amendment 結果共28筆

  • Taiwan voters to decide if voting age should be lowered

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) announced on Tuesday that 9.61 million votes will be needed for the proposed constitutional amendment to lower the voting age in Taiwan from 20 to 18 years old to pass.
    2022/11/24 08:09
  • Why Taiwan wants a referendum on lowering the voting age

    The “nine-in-one elections” are scheduled for November 26. With less than one month to go, all of the candidates in Taiwan are campaigning hard.  In addition to the elections of county magistrates and city mayors, there will also be a referendum on the same day.  It will decide if young adults aged between 18 and 19 should also have the right to vote. 
    2022/11/03 17:51
  • 美元貨幣上首位亞裔人物 這位華裔女星黃柳霜是誰?

    為了紀念女性能平等獲得選舉權的《美國憲法第十九修正案》(Nineteenth Amendment),即將邁入100週年,美國聯邦政府決定,將在2022至2025年之間、每年讓5位傑出女性登上25分美元硬幣封面,最新公佈的名單中,首次出現亞裔女性面孔,她是首位在好萊塢大道留下星星標誌的華裔女星、卻因為種族歧視而長時間倍受壓抑的黃柳霜(Anna May Wong)。
    2022/10/20 09:48
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