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    Ukraine 結果共54筆

  • MOFA Minister Wu discusses Taiwan-China tensions on BBC

    In an exclusive interview with BBC World Service flagship program Newshour, Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, discussed the increasing disturbances in Taiwan-China relations. Minister Wu highlighted the significance of international support, citing the visit of then-US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a positive diplomatic move. He also drew attention to China’s efforts to hinder Taiwan’s participation in international events. Wu welcomed the wave of international visitors expressing support for Taiwan, including the Vice President of the European Parliament and legislative speakers from Czechia and Lithuania. He urged democratic countries to be vigilant against potential interference from China in the upcoming presidential election and to voice their discontent over sensitive issues. Minister Wu drew three valuable lessons from the Ukraine-Russia conflict, commending the Ukrainian people’s commitment to defending their homeland, acknowledging the effectiveness of asymmetric warfare tactics, and emphasizing the importance of global support for invaded nations.
    2023/11/02 21:26
  • Semiconductor revenue expected to rebound by 11% in 2024

    The global semiconductor revenue is projected to drop by approximately 12% in 2023 but is expected to rebound by more than 11% next year, reaching a total revenue of US$550 billion, according to International Business Strategies (IBS). Major semiconductor companies, including Intel Corp, TSMC, and Samsung Electronics, have indicated that the industry downturn has passed. Although Samsung Electronics’ profit for Q3 fell 38%, inventory is returning to normal levels, and oversupply is easing due to production cutbacks. Samsung’s deputy head of the Memory Division suggests that the recovery trend could continue into next year. Despite challenges such as inflation, the war in Ukraine, and clashes between Israel and Hamas, the semiconductor market recovery reflects the resilience of the global economy.
    2023/11/02 20:42
  • Ma Ying-jeou urges global support for cross-strait dialogue

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou spoke at New York University, urging the US and the global community to encourage cross-strait dialogue instead of making Taiwan "the next Ukraine." He disagreed with the suggestion of arming Taiwanese citizens with AK-47s and emphasized the need for the new president to oppose Taiwan’s independence and accept the 1992 Consensus for cross-strait peace.
    2023/10/17 16:16
  • NATO同意簡化烏入盟程序 澤倫斯基怒無時程表

    北約峰會11日在立陶宛登場,為期兩天的峰會,第一天成員國便同意簡化烏克蘭加入北約的程序,並成立「北約-烏克蘭理事會」(NATO-Ukraine Council),但烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基卻痛批,不設定邀請烏克蘭加入北約,或烏克蘭入盟的時間表,可說是史無前例且荒謬,敦促北約要提出一份讓烏克蘭在戰爭結束後,入盟的清楚路線圖。德州州立大學副教授翁履中今(12日)於《FOCUS世界新聞》中,接受主持人李潔線上訪問表示,「北約31個成員表面上支持烏克蘭毫無疑問,也展現團結一致的態度,但要落實如何支持烏克蘭,很顯然的北約31個成員國出現意見分歧,畢竟如果真的要支持烏克蘭有很多的層次,不僅要共同防禦烏克蘭、給予武器的支援,還要真的介入烏克蘭的戰場中,幫助烏克蘭打擊或反敗為勝,這些對北約國家而言勢必承受更大的壓力。」
    2023/07/12 15:15
  • Experts give insights on how Taiwan’s car market changed

    Taiwan’s car market continues to thrive, with the value of imported cars reaching a record high of NT$85 billion from January to April this year, a 54% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance.
    2023/06/19 15:53
  • China expert discusses Beijing’s calculated strategy

    China’s recent actions have attracted global attention, particularly in light of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict and the upcoming presidential election in Taiwan. In an interview conducted by Wenchi Yu of TVBS Meeting Room, Columbia University professor Andrew Nathan shared his insights on China’s shifting political landscape.
    2023/06/15 17:26
  • Trump boasts about his tough stance on China

    Former President Donald Trump turned his attention to the general election on Thursday, using his first campaign appearance since President Joe Biden launched his reelection bid to boast his poll numbers and suggest that he does not need to debate his Republican rivals.
    2023/04/28 17:47
  • Ukrainian model to establish permanent residency in Taiwan

    Ukrainian model, Lina Zhytielieva, has shared the reasons for her move to Taiwan four years ago and her desire to settle down in the country with TVBS.
    2023/03/20 20:00
  • State utilities bear the brunt of Taiwan’s inflation surge

    As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters its second year, Taiwan’s energy prices have skyrocketed, contributing to rising inflation rates. 
    2023/03/07 18:10
  • 烏老兵被俘高呼「榮耀歸於烏克蘭」 遭俄軍狂轟爆頭處決

    俄烏戰爭開打後,俄軍屢被爆出濫殺烏克蘭人,引起國際撻伐;近日社群媒體上瘋傳一段戰場上的影片,一名老兵被俘後無懼說出「榮耀歸於烏克蘭」(Glory to Ukraine),下秒立刻遭俄軍開槍爆頭處決。烏克蘭政府怒轟「種族滅絕」,要求國際刑事法院(International Criminal Court,ICC)嚴查,總統澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)則誓言「一定會找到兇手。」
    2023/03/07 12:38
  • 殘暴!俄襲烏東公寓至少30死 竟用這款「航艦殺手」飛彈

    俄羅斯15日以飛彈攻擊烏克蘭東部第聶伯羅市(Dnipro)一棟9層樓高公寓,造成至少30死75傷,烏國武裝部隊空軍司令部(General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)在《臉書》表示,俄軍用於襲擊平民的飛彈,毫無疑問是有「航艦殺手」(aircraft carrier killer)之稱的「Kh-22反艦飛彈」(又稱 X-22),這款飛彈準確度低,若作為對地攻擊,可能釀成平民大量傷亡。
    2023/01/16 10:25
  • 指陸武力毀台海和平? 岸田:「今日烏克蘭恐是明日亞洲」 

    日本首相岸田文雄日前接受《華盛頓郵報》專訪時表示:「今日烏克蘭可能是明日亞洲(Ukraine today may be Asia tomorrow)」,他也談到中國可能武力犯台、俄羅斯的核武威脅,岸田強調,「絕不容許片面以武力改變現狀」。
    2023/01/12 16:19
  • Funeral service held for fallen Taiwanese soldier in Ukraine

    A funeral service for the Taiwanese volunteer who died in November while fighting for Ukraine was held on Sunday (Dec. 4) in Hualien. Tseng Sheng-guang, a 25-year-old Indigenous Amis from Hualien, joined the Ukrainian Army as a volunteer and died on the battlefield in Lyman. Tseng was honored with the highest class of Contribution to Indigenous Peoples award for his sacrifice.
    2022/12/06 12:05
  • U.S. official reaffirms importance of Taiwan Strait transits

    U.S. 7th Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Karl Thomas called on China to recognize Russia’s mistakes in invading Ukraine on Friday (Oct. 14), just two days before China’s 20th National Congress. 
    2022/10/17 17:17
  • 俄強吞烏東4州 澤倫斯基發聲:烏克蘭將收復一切領土

    在俄羅斯總統普欽被控罔顧國際法、宣布吞併烏克蘭將近1/5領土之前,烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基在網路發表聲明說,「烏克蘭將收復一切領土」(Everything will be Ukraine)。
    2022/09/30 23:17
  • 涉「參與布查屠殺」俄軍遭攻擊 烏國摧毀多輛軍車

    根據追蹤俄烏戰事發展的推特帳號Ukraine Weapons Tracker,參與布查大屠殺的俄羅斯第64摩托步兵旅傳出在烏克蘭哈爾科夫州遭烏軍第93機械化步兵旅攻擊,摧毀多輛軍車。
    2022/04/23 21:56
  • 觀點/美國通過烏克蘭租借法案 對台海兩岸的啟示

    美國參議院本月6日全票通過「2022年烏克蘭民主防衛租借法案」(Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022),這對陷入苦戰的烏克蘭無疑打了一劑強心針,反之卻可能成為俄羅斯的夢魘。法案還須經眾議院審議通過,才能交由拜登總統簽署生效。不過按目前美國朝野氣氛,通過是沒有問題的。
    2022/04/20 12:29
  • 沒實戰經驗、可供槍枝不足 烏克蘭暫停招募外國志願者

    俄烏戰爭爆發後,烏克蘭政府火速成立「烏克蘭領土防衛國際軍團」(International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine),開始招募來自世界各國的有志之士投入作戰。但戰火延燒數週,軍團發言人表示,由於槍枝不足等原因,目前已暫停招募作業。
    2022/04/02 17:56
  • 盼不要再有戰爭 文藻學生運動會拿烏克蘭國旗入場

    今天在文藻外語大學全校運動會上,有同學拿著印有「Stand with Ukraine」的烏克蘭國旗和「暴力不可容忍」標語進場,以行動支持戰火下的烏克蘭百姓,希望世界上不要有戰爭。
    2022/03/31 21:16
  • 梅利托波爾市長遭綁架 烏克蘭以9名俄軍戰俘換他自由

    烏克蘭國際傳真社(Interfax Ukraine)今天引述烏國高階官員的說法報導,烏克蘭以9名俄羅斯戰俘,換回上週遭俄方擄走的梅利托波爾市(Melitopol)市長自由之身。
    2022/03/17 10:23
  • 開放住家收留烏克蘭人計畫 逾10萬英國人有興趣

    英國政府推出名為「讓烏克蘭人有個家」(Homes for Ukraine)的新計畫,首相強生今天表示,已有超過10萬名英國人表示有興趣收留逃離俄羅斯入侵的烏克蘭難民。
    2022/03/16 13:23
  • 哈佛男大生熬夜三天架房源網站 助烏克蘭難民找避風港

    烏克蘭烽火連天,至今已有逾2百萬人出逃國外,不過即使逃離戰火,他們仍須面對基本生存需求。美國哈佛大學一名男大生注意到難民無處安身的困境,於是發揮長才,花了三天時間架設「Ukraine Take Shelter」網站,為流離失所的烏克蘭人找個暫時避風港。
    2022/03/15 16:02
  • 英系立委聲援烏克蘭 口罩、胸章與烏站在一起

    俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,造成數百萬人流離失所。民進黨英系立委羅致政、莊瑞雄、蔡易餘、江永昌、吳玉琴、邱泰源等人今(2日)於在立法院議場前,一起戴上 Stand With Ukraine的口罩及胸章,手舉藍黃兩色的汽球,並以手繪烏克蘭國旗顏色,譴責俄羅斯,也呼籲立即停止戰爭、進行和談。羅致政表示,口罩代表烏國旗顏色及胸章象徵與烏克蘭站在一起,榮耀回歸烏克蘭,口罩及胸章會在民代服務處免費提供。
    2022/03/02 10:48
  • 烏克蘭阿嬤拿木槍抗俄 蘇貞昌:剩一支掃帚也會對抗侵略

    2022/03/01 12:08
  • 伊朗空難 烏航總裁:從沒懷疑自家航空釀墜機

    烏克蘭國際航空(Ukraine International Airlines)總裁戴克(Yevhenii Dykhne)今天表示,他從沒懷疑自家航空的機組人員和客機造成伊朗的空難事故。
    2020/01/11 18:16
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