李家同今日在個人教育專欄指出,某位國立大學教授近日告訴他學生英文很差,寫出的句子像「Can he swimming」、「Does you see」、「Do them daughter want」、「He should walking」等,都犯了非常基本的文法錯誤;他認為,學生會出現類似錯誤,「道理很簡單,我們的英文教科書裡面沒有好好地解釋英文基本的文法」。
1. Your brother had been eaten two apples.
2. He begin play piano.
3. Can he swimming?
4. Did he had many books?
5. Does you see?
6. Do they jumping?
8. They are not take a nap now.
9. He should walks
10. She always a teacher.
11. Does she calling her mother?
13. Had he being many books.
14. You can walk one hour help to sleep well.
15. Do them daughter want
16. So math not good.
17. I have went there many times.
18. He has been ate two apples.
19. Was he have many books?
20. He should walking.
21. My brother likes paly.
22. Does she a nurse?
23. He eat two apples before.
24. Swim is interesting.
25. Does he has
26. Do you seen
27. Has he have
28. Does he can swim
29. He didn’t studying.
30. Is he call his friend?