耶誕佳節即將到來,西洋樂壇也熱鬧非凡,流行天后泰勒絲,只用了短短兩天就創作完成耶誕新曲「Christmas Tree Farm」,單曲一推出MV就累積近800萬人次觀看,還有凱蒂佩芮也無預警送上全新的耶誕歌曲。
華麗造景、誇張造型,宛如頂著一棵「耶誕樹」,耶誕佳節即將到來,凱蒂佩芮也釋出應景的〈Cozy Little Christmas〉MV。
凱蒂佩芮《Cozy Little Christmas》:「baby like you do,Just want a cozy,a cozy little Christmas here with you。」
泰勒絲《Christmas Tree Farm》:「Watchin' the fire glow,And tellin' me,『 I love you』。」
泰勒絲《Christmas Tree Farm》:「Merry Christmas,And when the world isn't fair,I pretend that we're there,Baby, baby, Merry Christmas (To you)。」
Wham《Last Christmas》:「Last Christmas, I gave you my heart,But the very next day,you gave it away。」
瑪麗亞凱莉《All I Want For Christmas Is You》:「All I Want For Christmas Is You,I just want you for my own,More than you could ever know。」