
SEF unveils plans to boost Matsu cross-strait exchanges

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/10/15 20:00
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SEF unveils plans to boost Matsu cross-strait exchanges (TVBS News) SEF unveils plans to boost Matsu cross-strait exchanges
SEF unveils plans to boost Matsu cross-strait exchanges (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — An official of the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF, 海基會) on Monday (Oct. 15) announced plans to enhance cross-strait exchanges through Matsu, focusing on business and tourism services.

The foundation held an unveiling ceremony in Matsu, attended by its Secretary-General Lo Wen-jia (羅文嘉), Deputy Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC, 陸委會) Liang Wen-chieh (梁文傑) and Lienchiang County Deputy Magistrate Chen Kuan-jen (陳冠人).


Lo emphasized Matsu's transformation from a defense frontline to a hub of peaceful exchanges. He called for China to evolve into a civilized power admired by neighboring countries rather than feared, urging China to reflect on its global role and contributions.

Liang highlighted the significance of tourism in Matsu and stressed the equal importance of peace and security. He underlined the need to maintain a firm stance against military threats from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP, 共產黨).

Chen noted the close exchanges between Matsu and China and expressed hope for resuming pre-COVID-19 individual travel from China. He believes the SEF's presence will benefit Matsu, fostering stronger ties and economic growth.

Taiwan Affairs

#cross-strait exchanges# Matsu tourism# Straits Exchange Foundation# business services# tourism services# peaceful exchanges# China relations# enhance cross-strait exchanges through Matsu# Matsu as a hub of peaceful exchanges# resuming pre-COVID-19 individ


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