
Father calls Taiwan’s justice system dead after verdict

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/30 16:10
Last update time:2024/09/30 16:21
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Father calls Taiwan’s justice system dead after verdict (TVBS News) Father calls Taiwan’s justice system dead after verdict
Father calls Taiwan’s justice system dead after verdict (TVBS News)

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The father of the victim in a New Taipei school murder case expressed outrage over the court's verdict on Monday (Sept. 30), claiming Taiwan's justice system is "dead."

The New Taipei District Court (新北地方法院) juvenile court division (少年法庭) sentenced the teenage boy and girl committed in Joint Offenses of Homicide (共同犯殺人罪) to nine and eight years, respectively.

The father, whose daughter was hospitalized and could not attend the hearing, criticized the Juvenile Delinquency Act (少年事件處理法) for being overly lenient.

He said the law favors perpetrators, allowing them a chance to reintegrate into society, while his son, who was killed, has no such opportunity. He described the two perpetrators as extremely cruel and unrepentant.


The father argued that the Juvenile Delinquency Act has significant flaws, enabling offenders to avoid the death penalty and potentially shorten their sentences. He said this disregards the value of life and disrespects people's right to life.

When asked about the other parents' claims that their son felt remorse, he questioned if simply expressing regret after committing murder should result in a lighter sentence.

The father cried multiple times, stating that the verdict was too lenient and that human life is valued less than corruption. He plans to appeal the decision.


Taiwan Affairs

#New Taipei# TVBS News# court verdict# New Taipei school murder# Taiwan justice system# Juvenile Delinquency Act# juvenile court# Joint Offenses of Homicide# lenient sentencing in Taiwan# flaws in Taiwan’s justice system


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