
Premier Cho vows to stabilize household electricity rates

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/24 15:52
Last update time:2024/09/24 17:02
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Premier Cho: electricity rates should reflect actual costs (TVBS News) Premier Cho vows to stabilize household electricity rates
Premier Cho: electricity rates should reflect actual costs (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) on Tuesday (Sept. 24) emphasized the government's commitment to stabilizing household electricity rates to avoid additional burdens on the public.

During a legislative session, legislators expressed concerns about the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA, 經濟部) upcoming electricity rate review, scheduled for the end of September.


Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) Legislator Chang Chi-kai (張啓楷) questioned whether the government could promise not to increase electricity rates, fearing such a move would impact the economy and consumer prices.

Premier Cho responded that the review committee would consider social needs and that the government should explore all means to maintain stable household electricity rates.

Premier mentioned that the committee would also deliberate on industrial electricity rates, and conclusions still needed to be reached.

He explained that electricity pricing principles primarily reflect costs, followed by considerations for public welfare, price stability, and energy conservation. He added that while past rates did not reflect costs, the current goal is to align prices more closely with actual expenses.

Deputy Economic Minister Chen Chern-chyi (陳正祺) reiterated that the electricity rate review committee would decide on any potential rate adjustments, and the government could not dictate the outcome.

Taiwan Affairs

#electricity rates# Taiwan electricity# household electricity# electricity pricing# energy conservation# public welfare# price stability# stabilize household electricity rates# impact on consumer prices# electricity rate review committee


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