
Interior Minister Liu champions hands-on disaster training

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/23 16:32
Last update time:2024/09/23 17:16
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Interior Minister Liu champions hands-on disaster training (TVBS News) Interior Minister Liu champions hands-on disaster training
Interior Minister Liu champions hands-on disaster training (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Interior Minister Liu Shyh-fang (劉世芳) announced plans on Monday (Sept. 23) to enhance the disaster preparedness of Examination Yuan (考試院) trainees by integrating disaster awareness into daily life.

Liu and Examination Yuan Secretary-General Liu Chien-sin (劉建忻) attended the 2024 Disaster Relief Volunteer (DRV, 防災士) Training Program opening ceremony, which co-hosted by the Ministry of the Interior (MOI, 內政部) and Examination Yuan.


Liu expects the MOI's efforts to expand training will result in 50,000 certified DRVs nationwide by the end of 2025. She highlighted the frequent natural disasters that have threatened public safety and property in recent years as the impetus for the government's training initiative that began in 2018.

Liu emphasized that the training focuses not on meeting official requirements and tests but on learning essential skills through practical courses.

Looking ahead, the MOI plans to extend disaster preparedness training beyond government agencies to businesses. Liu aims for a significant proportion of corporate employees to achieve disaster preparedness certification, incorporating these efforts into Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals for sustainable business operations.

Taiwan Affairs

#disaster preparedness# Examination Yuan# MOI# natural disasters# public safety# certification# ESG goals# disaster preparedness training program# certified disaster preparedness officers# sustainable business operations


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