
Taipei mayor backs plan for baseball monument at arena

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/23 14:15
Last update time:2024/09/23 15:31
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Taipei mayor backs plan for baseball monument at arena (Courtesy of Taipei City Government) Taipei mayor backs plan for baseball monument at arena
Taipei mayor backs plan for baseball monument at arena (Courtesy of Taipei City Government)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安) announced Monday (Sept. 23) that a proposal to erect a monument at Taipei Arena (台北小巨蛋) to commemorate the former Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium (台北市立棒球場) is a good idea.

Chou Szu-chi (周思齊), a recently retired player from the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL, 中華職棒) Brothers (中信兄弟), suggested the monument to honor the stadium's legacy. He said, "Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium holds many memories from our past."


Chiang noted that Taipei Arena occupies the original site of Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium, which holds many cherished memories and symbolizes the dreams of baseball in Taiwan. He reminisced about his student days, saying he often sat on the concrete steps to watch the games.

Chiang pointed out that his visit to Citi Field, the home of Major League Baseball's (MLB) New York Mets, inspired him. He observed numerous displays commemorating classic players and believed Taipei could similarly fulfill Chou's wish through such a monument.

Chiang stated that he has already tasked Taipei Metro (台北捷運公司), the Department of Finance (財政局), and the Department of Sports (體育局) with forming a group to study the implementation of this idea.

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#Taipei Arena# Taipei baseball# Chiang Wan-an# CPBL# Taiwan baseball# baseball monument# Taipei sports# Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium history# baseball legacy in Taipei# commemorating Taipei baseball history
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