
MOL disputes media’s deficit forecast for labor fund

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/23 10:58
Last update time:2024/09/23 15:18
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MOL disputes media’s deficit forecast for labor fund (TVBS News) MOL disputes media’s deficit forecast for labor fund
MOL disputes media’s deficit forecast for labor fund (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動部) on Sunday (Sept. 22) assured the public that the labor insurance fund is secure as the government will continue to stabilize it.

Media reports have forecasted a deficit for the labor insurance fund in 2025, estimating revenue at NT$516.8 billion and payouts exceeding NT$601.7 billion, resulting in a shortfall of approximately NT$84.9 billion.


The MOL clarified that the fund's income includes premium revenue, investment returns, and government subsidies. The ministry emphasized that the media's deficit figure of NT$84.9 billion is an independent estimate, which does not account for non-premium revenues and is not an actual figure listed by the ministry.

The ministry highlighted that the government has already allocated NT$130 billion for the fund next year, and combined with investment returns, the fund's scale is expected to see slight growth.

The MOL stressed that the final balance will only be determined after the financial statements are finalized. They reassured the public that there was no need for concern regarding the fund's stability.

Taiwan Affairs

#labor insurance fund# Ministry of Labor# government subsidies# investment returns# labor fund deficit# financial stability# Taiwan labor policy# stabilizing labor insurance fund# labor insurance fund shortfall 2025# ensuring labor fund security


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