
Nine nations urge UN to include Taiwan in future talks

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/20 13:25
Last update time:2024/09/20 15:48
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Nine nations urge UN to include Taiwan in future talks (Shutterstock) Nine nations urge UN to include Taiwan in future talks
Nine nations urge UN to include Taiwan in future talks (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Nine allied nations on Friday (Sept. 20) jointly called on United Nations (UN, 聯合國) Secretary-General António Guterres to recognize Taiwan's importance in participating in the "Summit of the Future." The appeal comes ahead of the United Nations General Debate on Sept. 24 and emphasizes Taiwan's role in global digital and technological discussions.

Inga Rhonda King, permanent representative of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to the UN, stated that it is unimaginable in the technology family that Taiwan cannot participate in the "Pact for the Future" and "Global Digital Compact" negotiations.


King emphasized that Taiwan produces 90% of the world's high-end semiconductors and is a leader in AI technology, so why can't Taiwan participate in the discussion when the world is trying to build digital guardrails and connect digital products?

The joint letter from the allies outlines three demands: addressing the threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Indo-Pacific region posed by UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, finding appropriate ways to include Taiwan in the UN system, and stopping the misuse of Resolution 2758 to deprive Taiwanese people and media of their rights.

Carla María Rodríguez Mancia, Guatemala's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, urged recognition of Taiwan as a UN member and highlighted the importance of Taiwan's participation in UN discussions.

Carlos Fuller, Belize's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, pointed out that many small island nations, like Taiwan, face the threat of rising sea levels, making Taiwan's exclusion from climate discussions a critical issue.

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York Director Tom Lee (李志強) thanked the allied nations for their steadfast support and emphasized the primary task this year is to help the international community correctly understand Resolution 2758.

Taiwan has long sought to engage in UN activities and contribute to global digital governance, disaster relief, and climate change efforts.



Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan UN# digital governance# climate change# semiconductors# AI technology# United Nations# global digital# Taiwan’s role in technology# Taiwan participation United Nations# Taiwan climate change discussions


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