
Toxic pesticide found in Taitung food poisoning case

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/19 14:22
Last update time:2024/09/19 15:11
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Toxic pesticide found in Taitung food poisoning case (TVBS News) Toxic pesticide found in Taitung food poisoning case
Toxic pesticide found in Taitung food poisoning case (TVBS News)

TAITUNG (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, 衛福部) announced on Thursday (Sept. 19) that tests on food samples of the suspected mass food poisoning incident in Taitung (台東) revealed the presence of terbufos, a highly toxic organophosphate pesticide.

The MOHW held a press conference Thursday morning, revealing they received a report from the Public Health Bureau in Taitung County about the incident a day earlier. At around 1:30 p.m., the bureau submitted three samples of the millet dumplings, including bamboo shoots, snail, and food residue, for testing.


Terbufos can cause symptoms such as pinpoint pupils, coma or semi-coma, excessive salivation, and a strong pesticide odor in breath or vomit, the health ministry said in a statement.

Lin Chin-fu (林金富), deputy director-general of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 食藥署), stated that prosecutors have taken over as the case involves fatalities and criminal investigation, while the MOHW will be cooperating authorities.

The presence of terbufos in the rice dumplings could be due to contaminated ingredients or deliberate addition, which requires further investigation from the prosecutors, Lin stressed.

The incident began on Sept. 18 when 12 people in Taitung showed signs of food poisoning. An 83-year-old woman died after consuming a homemade snail and millet rice dumpling.

Family members who consumed the same dumplings also fell ill. Preliminary investigations revealed the dumplings contained snails, millet, and pickled bamboo shoots.

Among the affected individuals, three have died, six remain in intensive care, and three have been discharged. The deceased ranged in age from their 30s to their 80s. A 7-year-old child and other hospitalized patients are aged between their 30s and 80s.

Taiwan Affairs

#food poisoning# Taitung# terbufos# pesticide# MOHW# FDA# health# Taitung mass food poisoning incident# symptoms of terbufos poisoning# investigation of food poisoning in Taitung


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