
Taiwan criticizes China’s vague laws on independence support

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/12 11:16
Last update time:2024/09/12 11:54
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Taiwan criticizes China’s vague laws on independence support (TVBS News) Taiwan criticizes China’s vague laws on independence support
Taiwan criticizes China’s vague laws on independence support (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC, 陸委會) on Wednesday (Sept. 11), criticized the vague definitions in China's laws regarding punishing those who support Taiwan independence.

The MAC expressed concerns over Beijing's stance, stating that any opposition to unification could be deemed as advocating for independence, leading to potential prosecution.


The MAC urged China to cease its threats against Taiwanese citizens, arguing that these actions harm cross-strait relations. The council emphasized that China's claim of targeting only a small number of staunch independence advocates is false.

Chen Binhua (陳斌華), spokesperson for China's Taiwan Affairs Office (國台辦), countered these claims. He stated that the judicial document only focuses on a very small number of Taiwan's uncooperative beings who are involved in bad words and deeds of independence and rampant independence activities, as well as their crimes of secession and incitement to secession, adding that it does not target or involve Taiwan compatriots in general.

Chen also announced the establishment of a reporting mailbox for "stubborn Taiwan independence diehards," inviting people from both sides of the strait to contribute. He claimed this initiative reflects the shared sentiment of opposing Taiwan's independence and supporting cross-strait cooperation.

The MAC continues to advocate for a cessation of threats and a focus on constructive dialogue to improve relations. Observers will closely watch how these developments impact cross-strait dynamics in the coming months.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan independence# cross-strait relations# Mainland Affairs Council# China Taiwan laws# Taiwan Affairs Office# unification opposition# cross-strait cooperation# punishing Taiwan independence supporters# China’s stance on Taiwan


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