
Taiwan boosts defense budget by 70% under DPP leadership

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/04 09:56
Last update time:2024/09/04 14:05
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Lin Yu-chang: Taiwan boosts defense budget by 70% under DPP leadership (TVBS News) Taiwan boosts defense budget by 70% under DPP leadership
Lin Yu-chang: Taiwan boosts defense budget by 70% under DPP leadership (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) Secretary-General Lin Yu-chang (林右昌) announced Tuesday (Sept. 3) that Taiwan has increased its defense budget by 70% under DPP rule, a rarity among democratic nations.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Global Taiwan Institute (全球台灣研究中心) in the United States, Lin highlighted Taiwan's firm determination for self-defense, crediting former President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) for implementing numerous challenging defense reforms during her tenure.


Lin outlined Taiwan's defense strategy, emphasizing asymmetric warfare capabilities, societal resilience, and deterrence strategies, which do not necessarily require massive investments but focus on effectiveness.

Lin argued that while Taiwan strives to increase its defense budget, funds must be allocated wisely. He addressed external calls for Taiwan to raise its military spending to 3% or 5% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), suggesting that increased funds should be invested in acquiring advanced weaponry or other critical areas.

Former Trump administration official Elbridge A. Colby and Council on Foreign Relations researcher David Sacks both believe Taiwan's defense budget should reach 5% to demonstrate its commitment to self-defense. Lin stressed that China's intent to take over Taiwan has not changed regardless of Taiwan's ruling party, with differences only in strategy and methods.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan defense# DPP# Tsai Ing-wen# asymmetric warfare# military spending# defense budget# Gross Domestic Product# Taiwan increases defense budget# Taiwan’s strategy for self-defense# investing in advanced weaponry for Taiwan


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