
Taiwan sees 5-year high in diarrhea cases, CDC reports

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/03 15:44
Last update time:2024/09/03 18:08
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Taiwan sees spike in diarrhea cases (Illustration purpose only, TVBS News) Taiwan sees 5-year high in diarrhea cases, CDC reports
Taiwan sees spike in diarrhea cases (Illustration purpose only, TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control (CDC, 疾管署) reported on Tuesday (Sept. 3) an alarming rise in diarrhea cluster cases over the past four weeks, reaching a five-year high.

Health officials noted 98 reported cluster cases and a significant increase in outpatient and emergency visits for diarrhea from Aug. 25 to 31, totaling nearly 130,000 visits.


Data from the CDC showed a slight 1.3% increase in diarrhea-related visits from the previous week, reaching 129,536, which is higher than the same period from 2019 to 2022 but lower than in 2023.

The rise in cluster cases primarily occurred in the food service and hospitality sectors, with 48 cases testing positive for pathogens. Norovirus accounted for 29 cases (60.4%), followed by Vibrio parahaemolyticus with 14 cases (29.2%).

Taiwan CDC urged the public to maintain good hand hygiene, especially after using the restroom and before eating or preparing food, to prevent the spread of viral and bacterial gastroenteritis.

Officials emphasized the importance of proper food handling and preparation to avoid cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods. They also recommended that food not be left at room temperature for extended periods and be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

The CDC highlighted the need for adequate rest, hydration, and nutrition during infection, and suggested electrolyte supplementation if necessary. Proper hand washing remains crucial in reducing the risk of pathogen transmission.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan CDC# diarrhea outbreak# food safety# hand hygiene# norovirus# gastroenteritis# pathogen transmission# preventing viral and bacterial gastroenteritis# proper food handling and preparation# reducing risk of pathogen transmission


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