
China lifts ban on Taiwanese pomelos ahead of Moon Festival

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/02 11:34
Last update time:2024/09/02 12:14
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China lifts ban on Taiwanese pomelos (Shutterstock) China lifts ban on Taiwanese pomelos ahead of Moon Festival
China lifts ban on Taiwanese pomelos (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency (APHIA, 動植物防疫檢疫署) announced on Monday (Sept. 2) that China has lifted its ban on importing pomelos from Taiwan. The decision came ahead of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday when the fruit is marked as one of the primary festive foods. 

China's General Administration of Customs (海關總署) notified Taiwan of the decision, which takes effect immediately. China's customs agency specified that only pomelos from registered packaging facilities and orchards can enter the country.


China's Taiwan Affairs Office (中國國台辦) stated that after Hualien County (花蓮縣) provided rectification data, China assessed the measures and found them compliant with its inspection and quarantine regulations. Consequently, China decided to resume imports of Taiwanese pomelos.

China's customs agency emphasized that imports would continue as long as Taiwan adhered to the 1992 Consensus and opposed Taiwanese independence. The APHIA confirmed receiving the notification from China and is currently compiling a list of registered packaging facilities and orchards.

On Aug. 2, 2022, China suspended imports of Taiwanese citrus fruits, citing the detection of pests, although it provided no evidence.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan pomelos# China imports# Mid-Autumn Festival# fruit imports# agricultural trade# customs regulations# long-tail keywords# China lifts ban on Taiwanese pomelos# registered packaging facilities in Taiwan# Taiwanese citrus fruit ban lifted


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