
Taiwan to assume Asian Election Authorities chairmanship

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/29 17:06
Last update time:2024/08/30 10:32
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Taiwan to assume AAEA chairmanship (TVBS News) Taiwan to assume Asian Election Authorities chairmanship
Taiwan to assume AAEA chairmanship (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Association of Asian Election Authorities (AAEA, 亞洲選舉官署協會) will hold its general assembly in Taiwan from Sept. 10 to 14. Taiwan will assume the chairmanship, taking on greater international responsibilities and missions, the Central Election Commission (CEC, 中選會) stated on Thursday (Aug. 29).

The event's visual theme uses colorful dots to symbolize Asia's diversity and inclusiveness. It also showcases the letters "TAIWAN" to highlight key democratic election values: transparency, accountability, integrity, well-being, accessibility, and neutrality.


The CEC will continue to engage in electoral exchanges and cooperation with Asian countries to enhance Taiwan's international participation and visibility. Taiwan, a founding member of AAEA, previously chaired in 2005 and 2008, served as an executive committee member in 2017, and was elected vice-chair in 2022.

Formed in 1998, AAEA is a regional international organization with 20 member countries. It aims to promote the exchange of electoral information among election authorities in Asia and to advance democratic development in the region.

Taiwan Affairs

#AAEA# Taiwan elections# Central Election Commission# Asian democracy# election authorities# international organization# democratic development# AAEA general assembly 2023# Taiwan international participation# election values in Asia


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